Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 17

SPECIAL REPORT   BOSS Today      #49

          Employers may wish to consider    workers to fill the gaps left by departing
          various strategies, including:    EU migrant workers and employers
          n Encouraging their current EU    will need to make roles as attractive as
           employees to apply for Settled Status  possible to attract applicants.
          n Developing staff retention initiatives   For more information on applying for
           and incentives                   a Sponsor Licence, contact BOSS Legal.   Key Brexit Dates
          n Investing in training and       For help with staff retention, contact
           apprenticeships                  BOSS HR. For advice and information   October 15-16:
          n Reviewing job descriptions      on training and apprenticeships, contact   European Council meeting
          n Considering pay rate increases  BOSS Training.                        October 31:
                                                                                  likely deadline for negotiations
           At present, the exact impact on the   Legal
          labour market of the Covid-19 pandemic is   HR                          December 10-11:
          unknown, but there will inevitably be job   Training                    European Council meeting
          losses and an increase in unemployment,
          and therefore an increase in people   BOSS have produced a series of    December 31:
          looking for work. However, that does not   Brexit Bulletins, click here to view   end of Transition Period
          necessarily mean there will be enough UK   these on our website.

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