Page 19 - BOSS Today Issue 49
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BOSS Today      #49

          Northern Ireland Protocol Update  and Northern Ireland, and into Northern   (eg ‘Italexit’, of course). The poll findings
          The Government has this month issued   Ireland from outside of the UK.  come just weeks after a new anti-EU
          further guidance for businesses moving   You can also use it to get customs   political party was launched in Italy,
          goods under the Northern Ireland   declarations completed on your behalf.  modelling itself on Nigel Farage’s Brexit
          Protocol. Due to take effect at the end   The Service is expected to go live in   Party.
          of the Transition Period, the Protocol is   September, and you can register your   France and Spain have both showed
          the practical solution designed to avoid   interest now, by clicking here.   moderate support for changing their
          a hard border between Northern Ireland                               relationship with the bloc, while Germany
          and the Republic.                 Brexit’s Impact on EU Stability    was the member state least likely of the
                                            A poll conducted by Euronews found that,   four major players to consider leaving the
          Exporting NI to GB                if Brexit is a success, Italy is the most   Union.
          Moving goods from Northern Ireland to   likely nation state to leave the EU next
          Great Britain should take place as it does
          now – there will be no additional process,
          paperwork, or restrictions on Northern
          Ireland goods moving to Great Britain,   WORTH KEEPING AN EYE ON...
          delivering unfettered access.

          Exporting GB to NI                   Exporting to the Rest of the World  strength of intellectual property rights.
          Changes for goods moving from Great   Trading agreements between the EU   Curious? The World Bank says the
          Britain to Northern Ireland will be kept   and non-EU countries will no longer   below are the top ten most business-
          to an absolute minimum but will entail   apply to UK businesses from 1 January   friendly countries as of 2019:
          some new admin processes, notably    2021. The UK is therefore seeking
          new electronic import declaration    to replicate trading arrangements   1. New Zealand
          requirements, and safety and security   between EU and non-EU countries.  2. Singapore
          information, for goods entering Northern   If you are not exporting to   3. Hong Kong, China
          Ireland from the rest of the UK. These   worldwide countries, but thinking   4. Denmark
          are needed to make sure that tariffs are   about finding opportunities in new   5. Korean Republic
          not paid on trade within the UK and that   markets, try out the Department for   6. United States
          goods going to Ireland pay tariffs when   Trade & Industry’s Export Guides by   7. Georgia
          they should.                         clicking on the links below. It will tell   8. UK
           A new Trader Support Service (more   you what that country’s GDP is, the   9. Norway
          information below), available to all   size of various markets, demand, and   10. Sweden
          traders at no cost, will be available,   the visas you might need. It also tells
          alongside guidance on the processes for   you how easy it is to do business there,
          food and agricultural products.      compared to other nations, based on
                                               its simplicity of regulation and the
          Trader Support Service (TSS)
          As mentioned above, the new Trader
          Support Service will be made available   To check rules about exporting
                                               to non-EU countries from 2021
          to all traders who move goods between
                                               onwards, please click here.
          GB and NI, or bring goods into NI from
                                               To check export guides, click here
          outside of the UK.
           The TSS will be free to use and will   To sign up to the BOSS Brexit Bulletin,
          guide you through any changes to the   please contact
          way goods move between Great Britain

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