Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 18

BOSS Today      #49

        BREXIT                                                                 if a second wave of COVID-19 coincides

                                                                               with no-deal on January 1.
                                                                                 In good news, it is expected that a
                                                                               UK-Japan trade deal might be announced
                                                                               in the coming days, following reports
        BULLETIN                                                               around Stilton tariffs had driven a wedge
                                                                               earlier in the month that disagreements

                                                                               between the two sides.

                                                                               Readiness Research
                                                                               The Confederation of British Industry
                                                                               found that three in four businesses are
                                                                               concerned about a further economic
                                                                               shock arising from a non-negotiated exit
                                                                               from the EU.
                                                                                 21% of firms say their level of
                                                                               preparedness for the end of the
                                                                               Transition Period has declined since
                                                                               January, while 57% of businesses have
                                                                               been unable to progress their plans.
                                                                                 Similarly, Descartes Systems Group’s
             elcome to the BOSS Brexit Bulletin.   as hoping July would see a resolution,   research into businesses that trade with
          WWhile we hope you’ve managed to   the PM has also previously said he did   the EU found that:
          take a holiday, we’ve been busy as usual,   not want negotiations to drag on past
          pulling together all the relevant Brexit   September.                n Two thirds of businesses have had
          information. In this month’s edition   A potential solution to the ‘level   their Brexit preparations disrupted by
          there is plenty on Northern Ireland, plus   playing field’ problem is the set up of   COVID-19.
          trade with non-EU countries.      an independent body to oversee state   n Less than a quarter (23%) have high
                                            aid rules – if this could be agreed, it   confidence in their ability to cope with
          Brexit Update                     would be a big step towards forging an   the extra administrative burden of
          While much of the country seems to be   agreement within the remaining time,   Brexit.
          on holiday, the UK’s negotiating team   leaving details such as the body’s powers   n Two thirds (67%) of large firms are very
          has continued their seventh round of   to be thrashed out later.       or extremely concerned about longer
          talks with their EU opposites in Brussels.   Round eight of the negotiations are   delays in their supply chain impacting
          Despite the Prime Minister’s high hopes   taking place between 7-11 September   their businesses post-Brexit.
          for a deal by the end of July, none has   in London. There will then be meetings   n Fewer than one in five (18%) of UK
          materialised. In fact, this month, Michel   as necessary, and specialised sessions,   businesses are prepared for a ‘no deal’
          Barnier said trade talks were “going   in the second half of September. Round   Brexit.
          backwards”, and that there had been “no   nine of the negotiations will begin in   n Almost three quarters (72%) are
          progress whatsoever on the issues that   Brussels at                   concerned about the customs
          matter”.                          the end of September and will cut off    brokerage market’s capacity post-
           Instead, the deadline is now considered   on 2 October.               Brexit.
          to be the end of October to still allow   Meanwhile, a PowerPoint presentation   n Two fifths (40%) are concerned about
          time for member states to ratify the   leaked from the Government shows   customs declarations impacting their
          agreement before the end of the   preparations for water, food and fuel   business post-Brexit.
          Transition Period in December. As well   shortages, power cuts and public unrest

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