Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 13

DOWN TO BUSINESS    BOSS Today      #49

          How can you be more

          resilient at work, and

          encourage others to

          be the same?

           he ancient Greek philosopher     improved with conscious effort and   often avoid a problem and hope it will
          THeraclitus was right – the only   experience as we respond to stressful,   go away, but of course this rarely works.
          constant in life is change. Perhaps   high-pressure and impactful events.  Adopting a practical approach and getting
          nowhere has that been more apt than   So how can you be more resilient at   things moving will help restore a sense
          in the modern British workplace over   work, and encourage others to be the   of control. Once our response feels under
          the last five years: the EU referendum,   same?                      control, we’re far better placed to tackle
          Brexit preparations, three elections and                             the problem effectively.
          then COVID-19 have made sure that   1) Acknowledge and accept that
          uncertainty is no longer a temporary blip,   some events are inevitably beyond    4) Favour small steps over a giant leap
          but the new status quo.           your control.                      Adapting to and coping with difficult
           So how do some people seem to ride   Resisting change is often futile and   circumstances is often best achieved by
          the wave of uncertainty, remain calm and   can drain your energy in the process,   setting small, realistic and achievable goals
          stress-free, and perhaps even make a   but you may be able to adapt in order   rather than trying to get from A to B in a
          success of the situation, while the rest of   to overcome obstacles. Keep things   single giant leap which may possibly result
          us struggle to bounce back and carry on in   in perspective – when life goes pear-  in failure.
          the face of adversity?            shaped, it’s easy to default to an overly
           The people who seem to thrive, no   negative response. Make a realistic   5) Use your support network
          matter what, are often full to the brim of   assessment of the impact. How will all   Our personal resilience is bolstered when
          a personal quality known as resilience.   this look in a year’s time?  we are supported by others, because a
          They are adept at effectively handling                               problem shared is a problem halved. Your
          difficult experiences, regulating their   2) Know your personal strengths    friends, family and colleagues can also
          thoughts and emotions and viewing   and past experiences             help keep things in perspective, so nurture
          challenges as opportunities rather than   Self-belief is fundamental to developing   a support network in the good times
          threats.                          resilience against life’s unexpected   because it will be vital in the bad times.
           Whether you’re an employer or    knocks. Have faith in your own abilities
          employee, personal resilience can have a   to deal with and overcome challenges.   How resilient are you? Find out
          big effect on the resilience of a business   Similarly, draw upon your experiences   with a fun Resilience Quiz at
          as a whole. Earlier this year, insurance   of comparable events and situations –
          giant Aviva surveyed 1,000 businesses   after all, this won’t be the first challenge   article/resilience-quiz.htm
          and found that the workforce’s personal   or setback you’ve experienced at work.
          resilience was one of six key factors that   The solutions might not be the same this   For resources on mental health and the
          impacted how well the business prepared   time, but experience might generate the   COVID-19 pandemic click here
          for – and adapted to – change.    confidence to move forward.
           Fortunately, resilience isn’t thought to                            For further information, please contact
          be something we’re born with or without.   3) Act now                Carys Davis, Public Affairs Adviser, at
          It can be developed, strengthened and   When we’re not behaving resiliently, we

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