Page 10 - BOSS Today Issue 49
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BOSS Today      #49    SPECIAL REPORT

           Indeed, Wendy Vickery, Marketing   with recycled material and/or products   response to managing the risks from
          Manager at Pentel (Stationery) Ltd,   that can be refilled: our quick-drying   COVID-19 and what kinds of products
          agrees that – although there has been   EnerGel X pen is not only made using 84%   will benefit as a result? There are already
          uncertainty and understandable caution   recycled material, it can also be refilled,   anecdotes about schools installing mobile
          amongst the retailers – it is September   because there’s absolutely no reason to   sinks to create wash stations throughout
          when BTS sales are really expected take   throw away a perfectly good pen.”  the site, or even devices to spray children
          off in 2020: “The BTS season has been   On the paper stationery side, while   with disinfectant on arrival, while
          getting progressively later for the last few   home schooling meant an inevitable shift   the education resellers – like the OP
          years anyway, as parents and students   towards smaller page count products, it   distributors – have taken a massive
          have increasingly tended to leave it until   also increased demand for some specialist   shift towards offering hygiene and PPE
          the last minute, but now we know that   items, says Gosling: “We saw a significant   items. Amongst some writing instrument
          schools will be returning in September,   upswing in demand for visual stress   manufacturers such as Vickery, there is
          we anticipate that consumers will slowly   products – ie tinted papers for special   a firm belief that the exercise of greater
          start thinking about buying products for   educational needs, such as dyslexia.   end-user choice already seen during
          the new term.”                    We’ve also seen some page count size   the months of home schooling could
                                            changes because of home tutoring, with   continue because of the ongoing risks
          Being Adventurous At Home         an increase in smaller counts because   from COVID-19: “We know that the
          There is no doubt of course that the shift   parents didn’t feel they needed a bigger   latest public health advice to schools is
          to home schooling back in March provided   book at home. Finally, there was a   that staff and pupils should each have
          unusual and early sales opportunities for   change in pack sizes all the way down to   their own frequently-used items such as
          some educational products as parents   purchases of single exercise books, rather   pens and pencils in school, rather than
          looked to equip – and inspire – their   than the packs and cartons ordered by   share them, in order to reduce the risk of
          children to work at home, as Hales   schools, so it was a real challenge in   virus transmission through multiple user
          recalls: “We believe that some parents   the supply chain to distribute smaller   touch points.  This has implications for
          were looking to encourage or reward   packages efficiently.”         teachers, pupils and parents alike – the
          children to do their schoolwork at home                              most obvious being a greater degree of
          by buying them a Zebra pen. We have   Online Wins… Again             freedom to select products of their own
          introduced some attractive fashionable   It is unsurprising, then, that another   choosing.”
          bright-looking products for parents to   effect of home tutoring has been a   For paper-based stationery
          cheer their children up during the day,   significant shift to online sales, as Hales   manufacturers, there are also some
          such as our Mildliner double ended pastel   recalls: “Amazon – and e-commerce   opportunities arising from helping schools
          highlighter, which has sold significantly   in general – has picked up hugely. Our   to manage the COVID-19 risk, as Gosling
          this year.”                       sales through Amazon have increased   explains: “One of the fascinating things
           Certainly, the lockdown appears to have   by almost 50% pretty much across our   that is coming out of this is that there
          given parents the time and incentive to   whole range. We’ve got a couple of other   appears to be greater interest in anti-
          buy something that they would perhaps   independent online customers and   microbial product ranges. Is this practical
          not have ordinarily considered, rather   their business has been double what it   and would schools be prepared to trade
          than give their children a ‘conventional’   normally have been.”     up for them? We are certainly looking at
          product from out of a cupboard drawer,   Indeed, Vickery believes that this shift   it!”
          as Vickery explains: “Parents and   to online is ongoing and set to continue:
          students have had an opportunity like   “We’re seeing a massive increase in   Martin Wilde – the author of this
          never before to choose products that   online purchasing to the detriment of   article - is Managing Director of OP
          give them best value for money: those   the traditional bricks and mortar retail   market research specialists
          that last longer, perform better and can   establishments: although this looks set to   Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
          be refilled.  We also experienced great   continue, we’ll know more over the next   (
          demand for products in our Pentel Arts   few months.”
          range, particularly for hand lettering   Less certain, perhaps, is what will
          products, such as our Brush Sign Pen.   happen as a result of the schools going
          There is still a growing requirement for   back in September: what kinds of policies
          sustainable products, such as those made   and procedures are expected in their

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