Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 49
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SPECIAL REPORT    BOSS Today      #49

          But there is now some evidence that they   Sept are also looking to be 4% up. Online   Indeed, Stephen is keen to point out
          are re-ordering product to replenish their   business was 10% of my total turnover   that, in future, that “extra 10%” is going
          stores.” This has also meant a slow return   at the start of the year: right now, it’s   to have to come from somewhere else: “In
          from home delivery to central delivery,   averaging at around 15-22%.”  my 30 years in the industry I have never
          with employers encouraging their                                     seen such a step change and upheaval,
          remaining home working staff to pick up   It’s Not About Stationery   but dealers will need to diversify and
          what they need from the office once or   Products Any More           really think outside the box. It’s not just
          twice a week.                     And what of prospects for Q4? Assuming   about stationery products any more: this
           There is also an element of stock   no major national ‘second wave’ of   is a whole new world we are moving into
          building amongst some volume resellers,   COVID-19, it seems that the next big step   and we need to be looking at what people
          as Login explains: “While everybody has   change will be the implications of children   want going forward.
          been reporting that sales to Amazon have   being back at school and more people
          been significantly up (ours are c200% up   are released to return to work. Certainly,   * For full details of the BOSS Business
          on prior year), I don’t think that sales out   Login is cautiously optimistic: “Most   Impact suveys click here
          by Amazon are anywhere near sales in. So,   manufacturers think that in Q4 their
          it seems that Amazon have been building   business will recover to between 80 to   Martin Wilde – the author of this
          quite significant stock, partly because   90% of prior years’ Q4 figures. However,   article - is Managing Director of OP
          they have the cash to do so, and partly   for some core stationery product   market research specialists
          because it will help them if there are any   categories, it’s difficult to see that extra   Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
          supply challenges in the second half of the   10% ever coming back.”  (
          year through regional lockdowns etc.”
           Stephen reports that the product
          categories driving this Q3 growth are
          unsurprising: “Home office seating and             IS PPE HERE
          furniture, ergonomic products, laptop
          risers, keyboards, mice, desk lamps and            TO STAY?
          compact home working products are all
          doing well, but I’ve never sold so little
          paper: if anything was going to finally
          bring about the paperless – or near   Masks, gloves, floor signage and gel dispensers etc sold massively in the first
          paperless – office, this was it, because   period of lockdown, but is demand for these products sustainable long term?
          people have now learned at home to work   Stephen is convinced that it is: “PPE demand will definitely continue: for masks
          from their screens.”                 definitely, but also for visors.  However, long-lasting disinfectants are the way
           Stephen believes that the end-user   that we are going to have to go, because it is not physically possible for offices
          vertical markets that are sustaining this   and schools to clean continually: the pressure that that will put on time, money
          demand are varied: “Building companies   and resources will be off the scale.”
          have continued to work throughout      As a result, Springfield Business Supplies are offering two long lasting
          the crisis: we have actually carried out   disinfectant products to the trade and end-users alike:
          furniture installations for people because
          – as there were no staff on site – it   •  Bacoban: own branded as Pro-Ten, once sprayed on to a surface, this will
          was easier to get in! Sales to care homes   continue to kill any bacteria or viruses that land on it for up to 10 days.
          were also a big thing for us: they fell   •  Mediseptic: a hand sanitiser that provides two hours of certified protection
          through the cracks, because they aren’t   (during which users can wash their hands five times) but gives up to 24 hour
          part of the NHS and hence are unable    protection.
          to get access to the PPE products they
          need. Manufacturing has also been fairly
          constant throughout and is becoming
          more confident.” However, it is reported   BOSS have launched a COVID Secure Product Portal,
          that sales to the finance and legal sectors   to connect those looking for COVID-Secure products
          are still very sluggish.
           Login reports that the channels most   with their members. The search is free to use for the
          benefiting from this recovery continue to   business supplies industry.
          be the online players, including – as we
          have seen – Amazon: “There has been
          a huge shift to online, month by month:   For further details click here
          May was 10% up on prior year; June was
          16% up; July was 4% up and August and

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