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CONTENTS                                                            ISSUE 49 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2020




          5 From The Top             13 Yes You Can           DOWN TO BUSINESS           22 New Members
          BOSS CEO Amy Hutchinson   How can you be more                                 We welcome new BOSS
          offers her thoughts.      resilient at work, and    20 The Consequences Of    members Newstar AV & IT
                                    encourage others to be the   Not Following Government   Mounts, Paperstone Ltd,
          6 Special Report: Bounceback?  same?                COVID-19 Guidelines       Data Direct (Thames Valley)
          BOSS Today looks back at the                        BOSS Head of Health &     Ltd and Cara Stationery.
          overall progress of the UK   14 Is This The ‘New Normal’?  Safety, Mandy Robson,
          OP industry since the start   Flexible and home working   shows how BOSS has   24 BOSS Events
          of the COVID-19 crisis and   are here to stay…      responded to COVID-19.    Introducing Future Focus, a
          considers whether it is now                                                   virtual event to address the
          in a position to bounce back.  16 Labour Pains      21 Who Guards The Guardians?  post-COVID-19 environment.
                                    The rights of EU nationals to   Those who provide first aid
          8 Special Report:         live and work in the UK will   assistance may be at greater
          Changing Schools          end on 31 December 2020.  risk of being exposed to the                   20
          Schools in England are    What are the options      COVID-19 virus.
          reopening again this      available to employers?
          September: how does the
          ‘Back To School’ season look   18 Brexit Bulletin
          in this extraordinary year?  An update on what’s
                                    happening in Brexit
          12 BOSS SOS Executive Summary  negotiations – and how
          Our survey shows industry   they will affect your
          confidence took a hit in Q2   business.
          but has bounced back in Q3.

          BOSS Board of Directors: Philip Beer, Geoffrey Betts, Simon Drakeford (Chairman), Steve Haworth, Charles Jarrold,
          Emily Jones, David Langdown, Stuart Login, Adam Noble, Sean Starkey, Frances Stephen
          Regional Directors: Marcus Clifford – East & South East, Dawn Reid – Midlands & South West, Darren Shepherd – North
          BOSS Federation Chief Executive Officer: Amy Hutchinson
          Concept and Design by: thePageDesign e: t: 01526 353555 w:
          Features researcher: Martin Wilde e: t: 07952 635518 w:
          Editor: Helen Dunn e: t: 020 7915 8377
          Photography: Shutterstock
          BOSS Federation: 2 Villiers Court, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Coventry, West Midlands CV5 9RN t: 0845 450 1565
          Paper sponsored by:
                                                                                                           BOSS Federation
          Boss Today 2020 Issue 49 All rights reserved. Boss Today is circulated to members of the BOSS Federation. Reproduction
          in any form, or by any means, whole or in part without written permission from the BOSS Federation is strictly prohibited.  Follow us on LinkedIn

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