Page 6 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 6

BOSS Today SS Today
            BO              #49#49  SPECIAL REPORT

                                                                                         BOSS Federation         @BOSS_Fed


          BOSS Today looks back at the overall progress of the UK OP industry since the start of the COVID-19
          pandemic and considers whether it is now in a position to bounce back.

         “To begin with, sales fell off a cliff and
         everyone was in shock: for some dealers,
         it was ‘business as normal’, while I have
         read that – frighteningly – some 12%
         of UK dealers simply shut their doors.”   *
         That’s how Frances Stephen, BOSS Board
         Member, BOSS Charity Trustee and
         Director of Springfield Business Supplies
         Ltd, describes what happened to dealer
         sales back in March 2020. For many
         manufacturers, the position was equally
         dismal, as Stuart Login, Managing Director
         of Trodat UK Ltd and Chairman of the   Frances Stephen                   Stuart Login
         BOSS Manufacturers’ Forum, recalls: “For
         most manufacturers, Q2 was a significant
         challenge, except possibly for those   were able to deliver to homes: that had   of July, although this softened quite
         supplying PPE, antibacterial products or   a negative effect on order values, so we   considerably in early August. Overall,
         home working equipment, who would   implemented a minimum order charge   most core OP manufacturers will have
         have had a very strong quarter. For the   for online ordering. We also did some   finished July at 80% of prior year sales for
         rest, there were some really significant   thinking outside the box about what   that month, with Q3 probably coming in
         declines of anything up to 90% versus   products would be needed, such as   at about 70-75% of last year’s Q3 figure.”   *
         prior year in late March and early April.”  PPE. It didn’t have to be pens or paper:   Indeed, Stephen also expects her Q3 2020
           How, then, has the UK OP industry   that was one of the things that kept   sales to be 25-30% down on the same
         recovered – if at all – from those   our turnover up.”                quarter in 2019.
         turbulent weeks, and what have dealers   Indeed, Login reports that many   What, then, have been the key factors
         and manufacturers done to bounce back?  brands did begin to revive as Q2   behind the continued recovery in Q3?
                                            progressed: “The recovery was        Firstly, some people have of course been
         Coming Out Fighting                much quicker than many of us had   returning to work, as Stephen reports:
         As we have seen in previous issues of BOSS   anticipated: May was stronger than   “From the end of June and throughout
         Today, some manufacturers responded to   April and June was stronger than May.   July we saw more confidence. The
         the crisis immediately by diversifying into   Overall, by the end of Q2, most of the   Government guidelines have helped, but
         producing PPE items. As Stephen explains,   core OP manufacturers who couldn’t   people are coming back to work because
         dealers also had to quickly adapt to the   diversify in any meaningful way would   they now know that there’s protection
         new reality: “When your back is against   have been c50% of what they’d seen in   available in the workplace.” Furthermore,
         the wall, you’ve got to come out fighting,   Q2 2019.”                Stephen believes that this also heralded
         so we totally reinvented our business. We                             some end-user stock replenishment:
         contacted customers to let them know   It’s Getting Better All The Time  “We’ve had customers where, if they have
         that we were still open and find out what   Q3, it appears, is seeing a continuation   had some people still based in the office,
         they were doing regarding working from   of this recovery: explains Login: “July   they just worked through the remaining
         home etc. We opened up our website to   started very strongly for a lot of   items in the stationery cupboard and even
         non-customers and made it clear that we   people, especially the first two weeks   in people’s desks.

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