Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 9

SPECIAL REPORT    BOSS Today      #49

           t would be no exaggeration to say   non-range stock in their inventories,
          Ithat schools have had a turbulent   should demand not materialise.
          2020 so far: they were effectively shut   Furthermore, sales of core paper
          down in England by the government   stationery products through the specialist
          on March 20th (except to cater for a   education channels (eg Findel, KCS, YPO,
          few vulnerable children and those of   ESPO etc) appear to have recovered from
          some key workers) due to the COVID-19   the impact of lockdown, as Nick Gosling,
          outbreak, and parents were advised to   Managing Director of Victor Stationery,
          teach their children at home, supported   explains: “Broadly, our education business   “The bulk orders from the
          – where possible – by resources devised   is ahead of last year right now. The bulk   education specialists didn’t
          and sent out (either electronically or in   orders from the education specialists
          some cases in physical ‘work packs’) by   didn’t change – they are just being   change – they are just being
          the school. Even at the time of writing,   ordered by the schools later in the year.”  ordered by the schools
          their reopening in September remains a                               later in the year.”
          controversial prospect.           Kicking The Can Down The Road
           What has been the result of all this   Indeed, this time shift has been one
          turmoil and uncertainty for the annual   of the main results of the uncertainty   Nick Gosling, Victor
          ‘Back To School’ (BTS) season?    of 2020 on the BTS market. Usually,   Stationery
           Perhaps unsurprisingly, Andy Hales,   the educational channel resellers buy
          General Manager of Zebra Pen UK,   classroom stationery in bulk between
          believes that volumes through retail   October and March/April in preparation
          channels have been “better than   for the new school year ahead, with the
          expected. When the COVID crisis started,   items then going into schools during
          we expected to have a significant (c25%)   the BTS ‘peak period’ of June, July
          downturn in BTS volumes but, as time   and August. However, this year, these
          has progressed, we have managed to ship   timescales were shifted back, as Gosling
          over 100% of our expected forecast for   explains: “There was a significant shift
          BTS.”                             in the phasing of the ‘peak period’ to
           One reason for this is that the grocery   later in the year. As soon as lockdown
          multiples are reported to have increased   happened, demand for classroom
          the amount of space allocated to BTS   stationery declined by anything from
          this year and have maintained their   70-80%: demand began to move
          predetermined BTS strategy of taking   positively in June and July has been
          more range lines (and discounting   better than everybody thought it would
          them, often using a successful ‘half   be. Everybody is now anticipating a huge
          price’ promotional strategy) rather than   spike for September, because the schools
          ordering special buys, thereby of course   want to get all their children back in
          minimising the risk of having unwanted   before receiving their orders.”

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