Page 12 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 12

BOSS Today      #49     SPECIAL REPORT

          BOSS SOS


          Industry confidence took a hit in Q2 2020 but has bounced back in Q3

          59% of survey respondents reported   Demand And Supply Are The Main    Over 80% of companies expect that
          that their confidence in the general   Operational Challenges Thrown-Up By   sales staff will be ‘out on the road’ by
          state of trade in the UK office supplies   COVID-19                  the end of the year; a similar proportion
          industry worsened in Q2 (April to June).    A sheer lack of demand is by some way the   expect to be ready to allow external guests
          However, the remaining 41% reported   most critical operational issue magnified   on their premises.
          that their confidence had improved. All   by COVID-19.  There are also challenges on
          things considered, confidence has held   maintaining supply, both from imported   For further details concerning this survey
          up remarkably well – the overall balance   and domestic sources.     contact: Kyle Jardine,
          (the difference between those reporting                              Economist, BOSS
          an improvement and those reporting a   Return To Office Is Gaining Momentum  T  028 9002 0135
          deterioration) was -18 for Q2.    87% of businesses expect to have at least   E
           Looking at the current quarter (Q3,   50% of their employees, who are currently   Interested in sponsoring future
          July to September) – 8% of respondents   working from home, back in the office –   BOSS research?  Please get in touch.
          have a reported a further deterioration in   at least to some regular degree.
          confidence and 18% no change.  That leaves
          74% reporting that confidence in Q3 has
          improved from Q2 levels. The forecasted
          confidence balance for Q3 is therefore +66.
           The quarterly balances reflect
          the major economic impact of the      COMING SOON
          COVID-19 pandemic hitting in Q2, yet   Summary Report covering:
          the industry is benefiting from strong
          underlying demand in certain sectors;
          and a subsequent improvement in Q3.    n Confidence in the general state of trade
          However, the confidence forecast for Q3   n Current industry trends for: employment, sales, output, prices,
          2020 is expected to remain at a lower   costs, margins etc.
          level that it was in Q3 2019.         n Trends via channel: OP, high street retail, supermarkets, online etc
                                                n Benchmark net profit ratio
          Online Sales Have Soared              n Pay review benchmarks
          It is not a shock to report that sales levels   n Top business concerns
          via online channels have benefited greatly   n COVID-19-related operational challenges
          from the COVID-19 disruption.         n Further matter related to the economic restart
                                                n Brexit concerns
          Lingering Economic Impact Of          n Investment priorities for Government
          COVID-19 Is The Top Business Concern
          There is a very high level of concern within   Background
          the industry of the ongoing economic   The BOSS SoS (State of Office Supplies) Survey was carried out online during
          impact of COVID-19.  The next two ranked   11-31 August 2020. The report is based on a specially constructed weighted
          concerns are also related – late payment   analysis of responses from BOSS Federation contacts – consisting of 63
          by customers and the survival of major   companies employing 4,895 people, with a combined turnover of over £1.3
          customers.  Brexit is the fifth ranked   billion.

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