Page 16 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 16

BOSS Today      #49



          The rights of EU nationals to live and work in the UK will end on 31 December 2020.
          What are the options available to employers?

             any businesses in the UK that   low skilled (and often low paid) labour   n Having a PhD degree in engineering,
          Memploy migrant workers from the   from EU countries. Under the proposed   maths, science or technology (20
          EU will need to adapt to the changes   new rules, a worker coming from outside   points)
          brought about by the end to free   the UK will need to score at least 70
          movement of labour from the EU and   qualification points, with 50 of these   Employers that are likely to want to
          understand what this will mean for the   being earned from three mandatory   hire workers who meet the criteria,
          labour market in the UK.          categories:                        but who don’t already have a Sponsor
           EU nationals who already live in the UK                             Licence from the Home Office, should
          and who meet the qualifying criteria can   n They must be able to speak English    consider applying for a Licence now, as it
          still apply for Settled Status and have   (10 points)                is expected that there will be a significant
          until the 30th June 2021 to do so. Figures   n They must have a job offer from an   upturn in Licence applications in the early
          published by the Home Office show that   approved sponsor (employers will need   part of next year.
          by the end of June 2020, 3.4 million   to apply to the Home Office to become   Employers that currently rely on
          EU nationals had been granted Settled   Licensed Sponsors) (20 points)  unskilled migrant workers, especially
          Status and were therefore entitled to   n They must be coming to a job at the   those employees who are transient,
          remain in the UK.                   appropriate skill level (A Level or above   rather than permanently based here,
           However, for employers who want to   the required qualification) (20 points)  should invest in staff retention,
          take on workers from the EU (or from                                 productivity, technology and automation,
          anywhere else) in the future, there   The remaining 20 points can be gained   because the government has announced
          will be new rules to navigate. From 1st   from a number of different categories:  that it will not introduce a low skilled or
          January 2021, the UK will be operating a   n A salary of between £23,040 and   temporary work route. This means that,
          qualification points-based immigration   £25,599 (10 points)         except for some limited relief for the
          system. The government has indicated   n A salary of more than £25,600    agricultural industry under the seasonal
          that the aim of the new system is to   (20 points)                   workers pilot, employers need to plan
          attract skilled workers from around   n A job offer in a shortage occupation   now for how they will fill any unskilled
          the world, whilst at the same time     (20 points)                   roles in their businesses.
          encourage employers to stop relying on   n Having a PhD degree (10 points)

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