Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 21

DOWN TO BUSINESS    BOSS Today      #49

          WHO                                                                  or goggles) should be risk assessed

                                                                               when there is an anticipated risk of
                                                                               contamination from splashes, droplets
          GUARDS THE                                                           of blood or body fluids.’ PPE should also
                                                                               be used with good hygiene procedures
                                                                               in terms of putting on, removal and
          GUARDIANS?                                                           provided. For your first aiders to remain
                                                                               safe disposal, following any treatment
                                                                               effective, they need to:

                                                                               n  Be aware of the risks to themselves
                                                                                  and others when carrying out first aid
         Those who provide first aid assistance may be at greater risk            duties.
         of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus.                               n  Keep safe by following government
                                                                               n  Continue to ensure that early
           or employers, the presence of      If a first aider is required to undertake   treatment is given.
          FCOVID-19 in the UK population    cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),   n  Remain informed and updated.
          increases the chance that a designated   HSE guidance is as follows:  n  Remember that their own needs
          first aider may refuse to provide                                       and those of other staff remain
          assistance, which could lead to a minor   n  Before CPR starts, so as to minimise   paramount.
          injury becoming a major concern.     transmission risk, a cloth or towel can
          There is also a risk of liability if a first   be used to cover the patient’s nose and   Following any contact with an
          aider contracts the virus following   mouth, permitting breathing to restart   individual, first aiders should:
          their assistance of a person with    following a successful resuscitation.
          COVID-19 symptoms (or who is even   n  Only deliver CPR by chest compressions   n  Wash their hands thoroughly using
          asymptomatic).                       or by using a defibrillator. Do not   soap and water; alcohol-based hand
           The object of first aid is primarily to   conduct mouth to mouth breaths.  gel is a convenient alternative.
          preserve life or to prevent the worsening   n  Do not listen or feel for breathing by   n  Avoid touching their mouth, eyes and/
          of a condition and HSE guidance      placing your ear and cheek close to the   or nose, unless they have recently
          maintains that ‘treating the casualty   patient’s mouth.                cleaned their hands after having had
          properly must be your first concern’. HSE                               contact with the individual being
          guidance therefore currently states that   This advice reflects guidance from the   treated.
          first aiders shall ‘try to assist at a safe   Resuscitation Council UK for situations   n  Take no additional precautions to clean
          distance from the casualty, minimising   where first responders have come into   their clothing/uniform other than what
          time in a shared breathing zone’.   close contact with individuals.     is usual practice.
          However, the ability to do this depends   The guidance states, ‘the use of a
          on whether injured or unwell persons   fluid repellent surgical face mask is   For further information, please contact
          are able to assist the first aider by doing   recommended and additional use of   Mandy Robson, BOSS Head of H&S at
          things for themselves.            disposable eye protection (face visor

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