Page 20 - BOSS Today Issue 49
P. 20

BOSS Today      #49     DOWN TO BUSINESS





          BOSS TODAY SPEAKS TO Head of Health & Safety Mandy Robson about
          HOW BOSS HAS RESPONDED to COVID-19 and the return to work.

          What has BOSS done specifically in order   of COVID-19 – this could lead to   COVID-Secure, where a risk assessment
          to ensure businesses follow crucial   unfortunate financial costs    has been completed and all controls
          health and safety guidance at this time?                             introduced to allow those who need to
          All BOSS staff have been working remotely   n Following this, if an employee doesn’t   attend a local BOSS office to do so safely.
          and a small team met via a Zoom call on   feel safe returning to work, they may   A COVID-Secure kit has been issued to
          a daily basis to ensure that the focus was   ‘blow the whistle’ on the company,   each employee to protect them if they’re
          correct and to review and interpret the   which could lead to the Health & Safety   required to leave their home, and from
          latest news into guidance documents,   Executive visiting the site. If the HSE   local feedback the kits have been very well
          risk assessments, letters and templates   identifies operations which are not   received.
          for members to utilise within their own   COVID-Secure, with a lack of suitable   All of our teams have reacted really well:
          businesses.                         and sufficient action undertaken, this   they’re speaking out with their views, and
           A central email address was introduced   could lead to an Improvement Notice   communicating our plans to them will
          for members as a ‘Coronavirus Help Line’   issued on the company, or even a   continue through the coming months.
          – this support fed through to experts   Prohibition Notice. Which could halt
          in HR, Health & Safety, Mental Health   operational proceedings      What are the biggest challenges that
          First Aiders and Legal, all providing a                              BOSS members are facing regarding
          24-hour turnaround to respond to their   Do you see the working environment   being COVID-Secure?
          particular concerns. The line is still open to   going back to some sort of normality?  The biggest challenges members are facing
          support our members where required –    I’m not sure that I know what ‘normality’   are:
   is any more: everyone’s talking about
                                            the ‘new normal’! My thoughts are that,   n Mainly social distancing for those
          What are the consequences of not   through the pandemic, businesses have   working with limited space within their
          following Government COVID-19     changed how they operate, so we see a   operation;
          guidelines?                       change in advice requirements right now,   n An increased number of mental health
          Where suitable and sufficient risk controls   where members are returning to work and   issues have been raised with us,
          are NOT deployed, the following could   they are adapting to how they operate   where employees are at home and are
          occur:                            within a COVID-Secure workplace and how   experiencing a great deal of anxiety;
                                            their staff can focus on delivering the end   n Confidence issues for those returning
          n Symptomatic cases could occur on site,   product.                    to work after many months out of the
           causing a local outbreak, which could   I hope that through 2021 we’ll start to   workplace;
           lead to a fatality or multiple fatalities  see things becoming a lot more settled,   n Staying on top of the continual changes
          n Since the introduction of the   and the Government focusing on the   within Government instructions;
           Coronavirus Act 2020, there are legal   introduction of a vaccine, which will bring   n Concerns about the risk of local
           obligations to meet which, if not taken   us somewhat closer to the ‘normal’ that   lockdowns, which would change the
           seriously, could lead to prosecution  we remember.                    controls which our members have over
          n An employee could place a grievance                                  their businesses.
           on a company if they do not feel   Internally, how have BOSS employees
           appropriate risk assessments have been   reacted and engaged with you regarding   We’re continuing to review our
           completed, or that there are inadequate   returning to work?        COVID-Secure Road Map, and introducing
           controls in place to prevent contraction   Two of our BOSS offices are now   new guidance and support tools.

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