Page 20 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 20

BOSS Today      #60

                                            n  Parental/paternity leave: Labour has
                                               promised parental leave from day one
                                               of employment. It is unclear if this
          Making Work Pay                      means parental leave within the strict   Skills and Training
          Labour plans to implement its ‘making   (limited) legal meaning of that term,   Labour’s flagship mission in this area is to
          work pay’ plans within 100 days following   or any kind of right for parents to take   reduce unemployment within the 18-21
          the election, as set out in its May 2024   family leave. Paternity leave currently   age category and, in order to achieve this,
          document, ‘Make Work Pay: Delivering A   requires six months’ employment, but   it plans to establish a ‘youth guarantee’.
          New Deal for Working People’. It is likely   will now be available from day one.   This guarantee is that everyone aged 18 to
          that the bulk of the pledges will take the   n  The right not to be unfairly dismissed:   21 will have access to an apprenticeship,
          form of an Employment Rights Bill. Some   a power in existing legislation means   training or support in finding work. The
          of the key proposals include:        that Labour could change the current   major pledges here are to:
                                               two-year qualifying period fairly quickly.
          Mandatory wages:                     However, it is expected that this will   n  Establish a new body, Skills England,
          n  Labour will change the remit of the   need a lot of consultation beforehand,   bringing together central and local
            Low Pay Commission which advises   so it is more likely to be a focus for year   government, businesses, training
            the Government on NMW (National    two of the new Government.         providers, unions, the Industrial
            Minimum Wage) and NLW (National                                       Strategy Council and the Migration
            Living Wage) rates to include cost   Aside from the ‘rights from day one’   Advisory Committee.  It will engage
            of living considerations. This could   reforms, Labour also plans to introduce   with the Institute for Apprenticeships
            feasibly kick in immediately and could   the following employment law changes:  and Technical Education (IfATE) and
            see the LPC’s recommendations for the                                 the Education and Skills Funding
            April 2025 levels creep higher, a likely   n  Statutory Bereavement Leave.  Agency (ESFA).
            concern for our industry.       n  Fire-and-rehire reforms.        n  Replace the Apprenticeships Levy
          n   It plans to scrap the NMW age band for   n  Strengthened protection for   with a ‘Growth and Skills Levy’, which
            18-20 year olds in order to attract this   whistleblowers (it is unclear as yet what   will allow companies to use up to
            age group into work. However, this will   this will look like).       50% of their total levy contributions
            undoubtedly increase labour costs for   n  The right to a contract based on   on non-apprenticeship training,
            businesses who have large numbers of   average working hours (in other words,   with at least 50% being reserved for
            younger workers and potentially provide   attempting to end zero-hours contracts).   apprenticeships. Skills England will
            a disincentive to hire staff in their late   n  The right to ‘switch off’ or disconnect   hold a list of approved qualifications
            teens. It is unclear yet whether this will be   from the workplace (a measure aimed   which businesses can flexibly spend
            done swiftly or following consultation.   at improving work-life balance, and   their levy money on, developed
                                               perhaps using Belgium or Ireland’s   in collaboration with devolved
                                               approaches as a starting point).   authorities, businesses, unions and
                                            n  Prevention of the dismissal of new   wider experts. This will include:
                                               mothers for six months after their   modular courses in priority areas at
          Employment Law Reforms               return to work, subject to as-yet-  the core of the industrial strategy
          There are a number of changes in this area   unspecified exceptions.    (including digital and green skills,
          for employers to be aware of, although of   n  Measures to boost the role of and   social care and childcare); functional
          course we will provide an update when   access to trade unions, including   skills and pre-apprenticeships training
          timings become clearer. Several existing   obliging employers to a) allow trade   and basic digital skills. Small and
          employee rights are to be brought forward   union representatives to access   medium size employers who do not
          as available from day one of employment,   workplaces b) to inform workers   currently pay the Apprenticeships
          and there is also a further set of changes:  of their right to join a trade union.   Levy will continue to receive 95%
                                               Further, there will be new processes   co-payments.
          ‘Rights from day one’ reforms:       for workforces to raise collective   n  Labour will Transform Further
          n  Statutory Sick Pay: Labour has    grievances.                        Education colleges into specialist
            promised to remove a) the need to wait   n  Extension of time limits for bringing   Technical Excellence Colleges. These
            until day four to receive SSP and b) the   tribunal claims from three to six   colleges will work with businesses,
            requirement to earn above the lower   months. This would allow more time   trade unions, and local government to
            earnings limit to qualify. It is just about   to resolve complaints before claims   provide young people with better job
            possible that these changes could also   need to be filed, but may result in more   opportunities and the highly trained
            be made as early as April 2025, as   tribunal claims.                 workforce that local economies need.
            they will not require any substantial
            follow-up regulations to bring them in.

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