Page 25 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 25

BOSS Today      #60

              Static Control Components

                                                                              is unmatched in the industry.
                                                                               Static Control was recently awarded
                                                                              the Supplier of the Year by Recycler
                                                                              Magazine, having also won their
                                                                              Customer Service of the Year award
                                                                              in 2023. It has also been recognized
                                                                              as one of the most trusted brands by
                                                                              NTN Magazine.
                                                                               As a major supplier of cartridges,
                                                                              Static Control is already working
                                                                              with a large number of partners in
                                                                              the business supplies industry. So
                                                                              Managing Director Juan Carlos Bonell
                tatic Control Components (Europe)   meant that it has kept up with the   believes that joining BOSS “is a natural
              SLimited ( is   technological demands of cartridges   fit to further cement our commitment
              a supplier of toner cartridges and   throughout the years, and has now   to the industry. Like them, we are
              components. It was originally a   been the technology leader for   committed to the channel’s future,
              static-shielding bag company when   imaging components for over three   including working within important
              it first opened its doors in 1987, but   decades.               aspects such as environmental issues
              – based on customer demand – the   The company has leveraged this   and key legislations in the future.”
              company later opened an imaging   knowledge by offering its own toner   Bonell is particularly looking
              division and has been involved in the   and inkjet cartridges, with each   forward to BOSS’s networking
              imaging aftermarket ever since. What   solution being manufactured with   opportunities, which will enable the
              started as one specialised item grew   Static Control technology to ensure   company to introduce itself to new
              to include thousands of products for   premium, reliable performance. The   businesses: “We are also excited
              the growing aftermarket, including   company’s system-matched approach   to be a part of the environmental
              OPC drums, toner and microchips,   means that it knows exactly the right   conversation. We are a large supplier
              and the company’s product catalogue   combination for perfection in toner   of remanufactured cartridges which
              continues to develop, based on   and ink jet cartridges thanks to its   are very eco-friendly and reduce
              customers’ needs and requests.  decades of research and development   waste.”
               Simply put, no one knows the   of the internal components, along
              inner workings of a toner cartridge   with its vertically integrated
              better than Static Control, and   manufacturing capabilities. Each
              the company’s deep knowledge of   cartridge delivers a premium level of
              cartridges’ internal workings has   performance that the company claims


               Static Control offers comprehensive firmware support
               including  reprogramming when  necessary.  Our
               technical staff is ready to assist you with any issue.
               Contact us today to learn more!
               Static Control recommends disabling automatic
               firmware updates on printers. Read more here:

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