Page 26 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 26

BOSS Today      #60    DOWN TO BUSINESS




                                                                                  are funding the process and, if it goes
          WE ARE ALL FEELING THE FINANCIAL SQUEEZE FROM INCREASED                 on too long, the employee can claim
          COSTS AND STATIC SALES, SO THE CHALLENGE IS TO REDUCE LABOUR            that their role is in fact redundant.
          COSTS WITHOUT LOSING EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED STAFF.  THE           n  Company Restructure / Workforce
          TEMPTATION IS TO THINK THAT YOU CAN’T, OR TO THINK ABOUT                Planning - employment law does not
          ASKING STAFF TO WORK LONGER HOURS FOR THE SAME PAY.                     compel employers to under employ
                                                                                  staff indefinitely at existing high wages
                                                                                  and neither does it prevent changes
                                                                                  to working practices, assigned roles or
                                                                                  places of work. However, in our opinion,
          However, there are other options available:   avoid a constructive unfair dismissal   employment law provides solutions
                                               claim. Fundamental changes to      and procedures to solve such problems.
          Staff Loyalty                        contracts can only be achieved by   The journey may not be easy, staff may
          Experience suggests that it is rare for staff   written agreement. Ultimately, you   be unhappy and may even issue claims
          to leave just to get a better salary. Usually   may need to consider, as a last resort,   against you, but a fair and reasonable
          it is a result of long seated resentment,   dismissing and re-engaging someone   procedure to solve a structural problem
          feeling ignored, being under-rated or a   on a lower salary.            is a reasonable and fair way to proceed.
          lack of opportunity that causes them to
          consider jumping ship. All business owners   n   Increased job flexibility - contractual   n  Redundancy - reducing costs by
          will have their own personal view about   changes to allow underemployed staff   reducing headcount is sometimes the
          building staff loyalty, but our suggestions   to move into different roles where they   best solution. Following the correct
          are:                                 are needed, rather than where they   procedure and selecting fairly is vital.
                                               have usually worked, can offer a good   In some cases, redundancy costs
          n  Train managers to manage fairly and   solution to increasing productivity   can be minimised if employees with
            consistently, which includes praising   without the risks associated with   fewer than two years’ service could be
            when praise is due.                reducing wages or increasing hours.   selected because they are not entitled
          n  Hold regular staff appraisals so that   Flexing hours in times of need and   to statutory redundancy payments.
            staff know what they are doing well   reducing hours in times of difficulty
            and not so well.                   may be attractive to many employees.   n  Restructure & Redundancy - a ‘belt and
          n  Offer training for ambitious staff.   It will be important to discuss and agree   braces’ approach to change direction
          n  Increase holiday entitlement for longer   these changes with staff.  may be a mixture of restructuring and
            serving employees.                                                    redundancies.
          n  A relatively low-cost approach is an all-  n   Lay Off/Guaranteed Pay - if contracts
            expenses paid meal for two to persuade   allow, you could lay off staff for a period   If you are considering any of the above
            an employee and their partner that   of time with guaranteed pay. However,   steps it is important that you speak to your
            they are valued at work.           if you lay an employee off for more   BOSS Business Partner and seek guidance.
                                               than four weeks in a row, or six weeks   Changes to contracts require agreement
          Reducing Labour Costs                in any 13-week period, they are entitled   and consultation with employees. Our HR
          n   Reducing wages or increasing hours   to make a claim for redundancy pay.   Team and Employment Law Solicitor are
            - either is likely to be a fundamental   Whilst laid off, your employees are   on hand to help you find creative solutions
            change to terms of employment, so   entitled to work elsewhere. The system   to the issues you raise.
            both need to be handled with care to   is similar to furlough, except that you

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