Page 27 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 27

DOWN TO BUSINESS   BOSS Today      #60

                                                                                 Stress is the body’s
                                                                                 reaction to feeling
                                                                                 threatened or under
                                                                                 pressure. The body
                                                                                 releases a hormone called
                                                                                 adrenaline (often called

                                                                                 the “fight or flight”
                                                                                 hormone), which provides
                                                                                 a boost or motivates us
                                                                                 to act quickly.

          STRESS TEST

             ork life balance is important to help   We often consider stress as a mental   While we are ultimately responsible
          Wus all stay healthy and be effective,   health issue, but sustained stress can   for our own health, employers also
          but what should we do when there is just   manifest as physical symptoms, including   have a duty to create a healthy work
          too much to do? What do we know about   stomach problems, headaches and muscle   environment; for example, by offering
          stress and how should we deal with it?   pain, just to name a few. Stress can even   flexible working arrangements and
                                            make us behave differently; we may eat   training mental health first aiders.
          What is Stress?                   more, drink more and avoid doing the   Employees can seek support elsewhere,
          Stress is the body’s reaction to feeling   things that we usually enjoy. Stress also   but employers should not rely solely on
          threatened or under pressure. The body   directly impacts productivity, leading to   employees being able to manage their
          releases a hormone called adrenaline   burnout, absenteeism, and mistakes on   own stress.
          (often called the “fight or flight”   the job.                          Employee Assistance Services are
          hormone), which provides a boost or   In 2022 the HSE published findings   a great way for employers to provide
          motivates us to act quickly.      that there are 1.8 million workers in Great   mental health support, offering a variety
            According to the NHS, stress is   Britain suffering with stress, depression,   of services including talking therapies.
          “something everyone feels at times,   and anxiety, with these symptoms   These services can be tailored to your
          especially when dealing with change or   making up 50% of all new ill health cases.   specific requirements. With the advent of
          life challenges, such as money worries,   Furthermore, an estimated 17 million   AI, these services will only get better as a
          work issues or relationship problems.   working days were lost due to work-  result of  improvements in accuracy and
          A little stress can be a good thing, as it   related stress, depression, or anxiety in   24/7 availability.
          helps us to get things done or focus on   2021/22.                      Providing employees with adequate
          something that needs our attention.”                                 support can reduce absenteeism, improve
            However,  too much stress can affect   How Can We Manage Stress?   morale and productivity, and make
          our mood, body, and relationships –   How we manage stress can make a big   transitions smoother when your company
          especially when things feel out of our   difference to our mental wellbeing, and   goes through changes.
          control. It can make us feel anxious and   the first step is knowing how it affects us
          irritable and affect our self-esteem.  and why.

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