Page 24 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 24
Joining the Fold: Our Newest BOSS Members
The Cheeky Panda
consumers say they are the softest
tissue on the market.
The company has decided to join
BOSS, as it sees the Federation as “the
perfect alignment for our business.
We truly believe that every pawprint
matters and our FSC certified bamboo
products are designed to help people
make small, simple choices that
we believe make a big difference.
Through switching to our bamboo
products like tissue, straws, toilet
rolls and wipes, we are delighted to be
supporting BOSS members to reduce
he Cheeky Panda (uk.cheekypanda. deforestation and the use of plastic.”
Tcom) is the UK’s first sustainable Julie Chen is particularly looking
bamboo tissue brand, offering an forward to the company making
alternative to traditional, paper- the most out of the numerous
based, everyday essentials, made benefits BOSS has to offer, including
from sustainable bamboo. Its award- the fantastic networking events,
winning range of products spans conferences and training available:
hygiene, catering, personal care, baby “One of the biggest benefits will
and beauty items. be with The Leaders of the Future
CEO Julie Chen launched the community, particularly for some
business in 2016, alongside her of our younger team members,
husband and co-founder Chris Forbes, as this will help them grow their
and together they have shifted own network, encourage personal
mindsets by disrupting a market that development and gain valuable
has been using the same type insights.”
of products that have not been
plastic-free, chemical-free or
decomposable for decades.
Since launch, The Cheeky Panda
has grown to become a household
name, selling 4.8 million products in
2023 across 30 countries, with one
of its toilet rolls now being sold every
seven seconds. Cheeky Panda was
one of the first 100 companies in the
UK to become a B Corp in 2019 and
was successfully recertified last year.
It is now ranked as the number one
most sustainable brand by Which?,
in an independent survey of over
4,000 Which? readers. This year, the
company launched a new range of
Balsam Bamboo Tissues, which are
infused with soothing aloe vera and
have plastic-free packaging. Many