Page 19 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 19

BOSS Today      #60

          promised, our partner BPIF called for a
          strategy which supports industries across
          the board, instead of favouring certain
          sectors or regions. The formation of an
          Industrial Strategy Council should be a
          good opportunity to feed into the thinking
          and it is encouraging that Labour seems
          committed to working with business
          representatives. We will aim to be a part
          of that process, either directly or via our
          input into bigger associations such as
          MakeUK, the CBI, etc.

          Business Rates Reform
          Labour’s manifesto says that ‘the current
          business rates system disincentivises
          investment, creates uncertainty and places
          an undue burden on our high streets. In
          England, Labour will replace the business
          rates system, so we can raise the same
          revenue, but in a fairer way. This new
          system will level the playing field between
          the high street and online giants, better
          incentivise investment, tackle empty
          properties and support entrepreneurship.’
          The Federation has called for an evaluation
          of business rates as part of a wider review
          of the business environment for SMEs, so
          this is a promising pledge. However, it is
          not clear yet how business rates reform will
          look and, needing in-depth consultation, it
          is unlikely to be an overnight process. High-
          street office supplies businesses could be
          set to benefit, though.

                                                                                     The Federation has
          Business Taxation
          Labour is committed to not increasing                                      called for an evaluation
          Corporation Tax, capping it at the current
          rate of 25% (over £250,000) for at least                                    of business rates as
          the next five years, and has promised a                                     part of a wider review
          roadmap for business taxation before
          making any additional changes. They                                          of the business
          have also promised just one major fiscal                                     environment
          event per year - presumably planning
          only a Budget and scrapping the Autumn                                        for SMEs.
          Statement - in an attempt to provide more
          certainty for business. Full expensing
          for capital investment will stay in place.

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