Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 15

BOSS Today      #60

          Prima Software), Jo Marshall (Executive   this event possible. We hope that all    Thank you to our sponsors!
          Director, YPO), Stuart Derbyshire (Chief   delegates found the day enriching
          Sales Officer, OT Group UK & Ireland),   and informative, equipping them with
          and Jeanette Caswell (Managing Director,   actionable takeaways to enhance their
          Office Friendly). These interactive sessions   leadership skills and drive success in their
          allowed participants to discuss current   roles. Here’s to continued growth and
          topics shaping the business supplies   collaboration in the business supplies
          industry and modern working practices.  community!
            The day concluded with a dynamic
          panel session at 3:00 pm, focusing on
          achieving high performance in today’s   A special mention
          business supplies industry.
            The LOTF committee would like to    BOSS would like to thank Alex Stone and Rachael Lewis for
          sincerely thank our key speakers and   their dedication as co-chairs of the BOSS Leaders of the Future
          panellists for sharing their valuable   committee. Their leadership has been crucial in shaping its
          insights and expertise.              events and supporting emerging industry leaders. We eagerly
            The LOTF team would also like to   anticipate James Day and Amy Remmer carrying the Leaders
          extend their sincere gratitude to our   of the Future group forward, bringing their enthusiasm and
          venue supporters, ACCO UK, and to our   expertise to further advance and grow our community.
          industry speaker supporters, Brother
          UK. Additionally, we appreciate the   If you would like any information on the upcoming
          generous contributions from Cawston   Leaders of the Future event, please contact
          Press, Exaclair, BIC, and Nestle, whose
          support was instrumental in making

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