Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 17

BOSS Today      #60

                                                                               If your business has a
                                                                               new MP, why not invite them
                                                                               to visit you during
                                                                               the summer recess?

          an MP in 2010 for Leeds West (now Leeds                              What we do know are some of the
          West & Pudsey). In 2023, she coined the                              demographics and just how diverse this
          term ‘securonomics’ to describe Labour’s                             Parliament is. It has:
          joint economic and foreign policy,
          inspired by the Biden administration,                                n  263 female MPs, an increase of on
          which seeks to make the UK more                                        the last Parliament from 220.
          resilient to global economic shocks.   Jeremy Hunt MP                n  89 MPs from ethnic minorities - an
                                            Shadow Chancellor                    increase of 23 on the last Parliament.
                                            A straight swap for the top Treasury role,
                                            Jeremy Hunt had been Chancellor since   Over the coming weeks, more statistics
                                            2022, before narrowly retaining his seat   will emerge on the new intake. It is
                                            in July. He will be a safe pair of hands   thought likely that the proportion of
                                            to shadow Rachel Reeves (for the time   MPs identifying as LGBTQIA+ will have
          Jonathan Reynolds MP              being, at least).                  increased, along with the number of MPs
          Secretary of State for Business & Trade                              who have been educated in state schools.
          Replacing Tory leadership hopeful Kemi
          Badenoch as Business Secretary, Jonathan                             Summer Recess
          ‘Johnny’ Reynolds has been the MP for                                If your business has a new MP, why
          Stalybridge and Hyde since 2010. He will                             not invite them to visit you during the
          also know his brief well, having been on                             summer recess? The House of Commons
          the business portfolio since 2021, and   Kevin Hollinrake MP         normally rises for the recess in the third
          has some experience of the Work and   Shadow Secretary of State for   week of July, but this year it is likely to sit
          Pensions and Treasury areas, too. Prior   Business & Trade           until the end of July to get some things
          to his election he was an MP’s assistant   In the Sunak Government he was a   done. This means that August will still
          and then solicitor, and has also served as   Minister of State in the Department for   be free for constituency work, so it is an
          a councillor.                     Business & Trade, looking after the small   ideal time to get to know them. Contact
                                            business portfolio. He kept his Yorkshire   Carys on the email address below to get
          We will be writing to the Chancellor    seat comfortably, with a majority of   the ball rolling.
          and the Business Secretary in the    around 8.000.
          coming days.
                                            Who’s Who on the Backbenches?
          Who’s Who in the Shadow Cabinet?  There were 335 new MPs entering
          With a number of Cabinet ministers   Parliament when it re-opened for
          losing their seats, Rishi Sunak has had to   business on Tuesday 9 July, accounting
          make some big changes when picking his   for more than half of the total number of
          Shadow Cabinet. However, expect it to be   MPs (650). While we cannot confirm yet
          interim until a new leader is elected, who   whether any have backgrounds relevant
          will want to put their own stamp on their   to our industry, there is no doubt that   Get in touch with BOSS’s Public
          team, especially if that leader is from the   a number will have experience of small   Affairs Adviser, Carys Davis, at
          right of the party.               businesses and manufacturing.

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