Page 16 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 16

BOSS Today      #60     LOBBYING

                                                      BOSS Lobbying



                                            Turn to pages 18-21 for the article -
                                            What does a Labour Government mean
                                            for Business?

                                            Across the floor, the Conservative
          Political Update                  leadership race has not yet begun,   Who’s Who in the Cabinet?
          With the excitement of the election now   with some internal business to   The key Cabinet faces relevant to our
          over, attention now turns to Labour’s   complete first. Although Rishi Sunak   industry are:
          opening moves. Sir Keir Starmer   has indicated that he is willing to stay
          appointed his no-surprises Cabinet   until a replacement is elected by party
          swiftly, with junior ministers now falling   members, his colleagues will be keen to
          into place.  After people will come   get a leader in place who can get on with
          policy – all of the major decisions about   being the voice of opposition (before
          manifesto priorities took place when   Nigel Farage fills those boots!).
          legislation was announced in the                                     Rachel Reeves MP
          King’s Speech on 17th July.       The Liberal Democrats will be      Chancellor of the Exchequer
                                            appointing their spokespeople. Having   An easy appointment for Sir Keir to
          So, what is likely to be at the top of the   increased their numbers from 11 to 72,   make. Rachel Reeves becomes the first
          in-tray? The Labour manifesto was over   they will no longer have to double up on   woman to lead HM Treasury, having
          130 pages long, so we have dug into it   portfolios.                 shadowed the role since 2021. A former
          (as well as two policy papers) to bring                              student of economics, she has worked
          you the pledges that are most relevant                               for both the Bank of England and in the
          to the business supplies community.                                  private sector, before being elected as

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