Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 52
P. 14

BOSS Today      #52

          EU EXIT –                                                            trade”. The Shadow Foreign Secretary, Lisa

                                                                               Nandy MP, also urged the Prime Minister to
                                                                               resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

                                                                               New Border Controls Delayed
          SIX MONTHS IN                                                        In March, the Government announced
                                                                               delayed import controls at British
                                                                               borders, with the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                               being cited as the reason, despite reports
                                                                               that UK ports were not ready for the
                                                                               planned April (Phase 2) requirements of
                                                                               the original Border Operating Model.
                                                                                 Michael Gove said that the delays
                                                                               were in response to businesses making “a
          THE UK LEFT THE EU CUSTOMS UNION AND SINGLE                          strong case that they need more time to
                                                                               prepare” and to the “disruption which has
          MARKET A FULL SIX MONTHS AGO. IN APRIL, THE EU                       been caused, and is still being caused, by
                                                                               COVID-19 and the need to ensure that the
          PARLIAMENT VOTED TO RATIFY THE UK-EU TRADE DEAL,                     economy can recover fully.”
          WHILE CALLING IT AN ‘HISTORIC MISTAKE.’                              The new timetable is as follows:

                                                                               1 October 2021
                                                                               n  Checks on agri-food and feed.

                                                                               1 January 2022
                                                                               n   Entry Safety and Security (ENS)
                                                                                  declarations for imports delayed from 1
                                                                                  July until 1 January 2022.
            s we head towards high summer, the   On the bright side, it was announced in   n   Import declarations are still required
          AEU exit still poses problems for trade.   June that the UK has signed trade deals   but the deferred declaration scheme
          A recent survey by KPMG and the British   with Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein,   – including submitting supplementary
          Chamber of Commerce in Germany found   but this good news comes amid a fresh   declarations up to six months after the
          that one in six of the German companies   row about Northern Ireland, with the   goods have been imported – is extended
          surveyed has decided to cease exports   Brexit Minister Lord Frost claiming the UK   from 1 July to 1 January 2022.
          to the UK altogether. To avoid additional   government had “underestimated” the   n   Pre-notification requirements and
          import and export burdens, many German   impact that the Northern Ireland protocol   documentary checks will be required for
          companies have also decided to look for   would have. Continuing trade difficulties on   low-risk plants and plant products from 1
          new suppliers outside of the German-  the ground have led the recently-resigned   January 2022.
          British corridor.                 Democratic Unionist Party leader Edwin   n   Physical SPS checks on high-risk plants
           On this side of the Channel, the majority   Poots to say “the Northern Ireland Protocol   and agri-food and feed (including
          of UK firms experienced some form of   is bad for business in Northern Ireland and   products of animal origin and high-risk
          trade disruption following Brexit, and   it is bad for every one of our citizens.” He   foods not of animal origin) will take place
          many expect there to be long-term   urged those “who want to make Northern   at Border Control Posts, rather than (as
          disruption as a result of the new EU trading   Ireland work” to “speak with one voice   now) at the place of destination, from 1
          arrangements.                     against the absurd barriers placed on   January 2022.

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