Page 11 - BOSS Today Issue 52
P. 11

BOSS Today      #52

          BOSS Lobby Government On

          Prioritising The Safe Return To

          Work For Office-Based Businesses

           n addition to the regular       n  Provide a clear ‘return to work’
          Irepresentations that BOSS make to   message and consider incentives to
          the Department of Business, Energy   encourage employee confidence in a
          and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), BOSS   safe return.
          Chairman, Simon Drakeford has written   n  Provide sufficient notice of any
          a letter to Rt Hon Michael Gove MP,   change to its messaging regarding
          Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.  the return to offices so our industry
           The letter outlines our industry’s   and businesses can plan for this.
          reliance on the occupation of offices,
          highlighting the reduction in office   A number of BOSS members have
          supplies consumption and sales   written to their MPs sharing this letter
          volumes brought about by the mass   and highlighting their own concerns. We
          migration to home working throughout   urge businesses across the industry to
          the pandemic. It also emphasises the   raise this with their local MP’s to gain   Simon Drakeford,
          impact on other sectors, referencing   further support.            BOSS Chairman
          a PwC study warning of a potential   Four weeks after the letter was issued
          £15.3bn hit to UK GDP every year if   a response was received from the
          pandemic-levels of home working   Department for Business, Energy and
          continue.                        Industrial Strategy to which the letter had   How Do I Share This
           It raises concerns with the     been passed by the Cabinet Office. The   With My Local MP?
          Governments ‘work from home if you   Federation will continue to lobby on the
          can’ messaging which contradicts the   issue and will update members on our   Please go to https://members.
          relaxing of restrictions in many other   response to the Department for Business.
          sectors of the economy, and highlights   To read the full letter click here.  commons and enter your
          the lack of clarity which has caused                                 business’s postcode to find your
          confusion for employers and employees   For guidance in drafting a letter,    local MP. This website will tell
          since its inception. The letter asked the   please email our Public Affairs Adviser   you whether the MP is from the
          Government to:                   Carys Davis  Government or an Opposition
                                           At the time of publication we are hopeful   party. In any case, they should
          n  Bring forward the return to   that the Government will encourage   be able to raise your concerns
            workplaces to align with other   employees to return to their offices - as   with the Government.
            sectors.                       part of their update on 19th July.

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