Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 52
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BOSS Today      #52

          emotions and feelings with each other.   experiencing feelings of unease. You might   “Recognise that
          It may also be a good time to host team   even find a meditation app helpful, such as
          events and activities to allow people to   Headspace, Calm or Insight Timer. These   it’s normal to feel
          catch up face-to-face and bond again as a   often offer breathing exercises that are   worried about this
          workforce.                        as short as two minutes, helping you to
                                            focus on the present moment and release   latest set of changes
          Plan For Day 1                    anxiety about what might happen in the
          If you’re unsure about what to expect on   future.                   to our lives.”
          Day 1, especially if your employers haven’t
          communicated this with you, ask what   Seek Help If You Need It
          provisions have been made to create a   If you feel your worrying has become too
          safe work environment. It can be helpful to   much to manage, visit your GP. A little
          visualise your first day back at work, and   worry is ordinary and is to be expected,
          imagine things going well. Think through:  but symptoms of excessive anxiety can
                                            include staying awake at night and finding
          n How you will get to work        it hard to concentrate, while physical
          n What will be different as you enter the   symptoms could be shortness of breath,
            building                        chest pain or trembling. Employers should
          n Who will be there               be on the lookout for any warning signs of
          n How you will need to do things   mental distress in their teams.
            differently to get your job done
                                            Our Health & Safety and Human Resources
          Stop And Breathe                  teams are here to help, for further
          Taking a moment to stop, take stock   details visit: BOSS | Contact Us | HR
          and breathe can be a great help if you’re   (

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