Page 20 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 20

BOSS Today      #43     SPECIAL FEATURE

                           DAVE JONES, GROUP MARKETING DIRECTOR
                           PREMIER PAPER GROUP

                                                 as bark chips and black liquor)   and comes with all the resources
                                                 accounts for around 96% of the   to help dealers communicate that
                                                 mill’s fuel requirements. Surplus   story to their customers. It is an
                                                 heat from the paper production   excellent opportunity for a dealer
                                                 process heats over 3,000 local   to communicate its environmental
                                                 homes and civic buildings.      values and also share those
                                               n   Totally Chlorine Free pulp: all   values with customers to help
                                                 of the paper pulp used in the   build lasting relationships.
                                                 production of Woodland Trust
                                                 Office Paper is Totally Chlorine   Q:   What mistakes do OP dealers
                                                 Free (TCF), which means that the   make in selling sustainable cut
                                                 bleaching process does not release   size office paper products?
                                                 any chlorine into the water.  A:   The inability to substantiate
                                               n   Certifications: The mill is ISO   sustainability claims can damage
                                                 14001certified and registered with   company reputations and undermine
          Q:   What does ‘sustainable’           EMAS (the EU’s Eco Management   customer confidence. If promoting
            mean to Premier Paper?               and Audit Schemes). The product   sustainability and environmental
          A:   All our products come from        lifecycle is endorsed by The Nordic   values is important, then dealers
            sustainable sources, but our Woodland   Swan (the official eco-label of the   should fully commit to products with
            Trust Office Paper is unique. Not    Nordic countries) and the EU Flower.   strong environmental credentials
            only is it produced to the highest   Its FSC certification confirms that   and use those products to promote
            environmental standards, but every   its forest raw materials are from   their own organisation’s values.
            sheet sold contributes directly      verified sustainable sources.
            to the work of the UK’s leading    n   Carbon footprint: Woodland Trust   Q:   What support can Premier Paper give
            woodland conservation charity. It    Office Paper emits zero carbon   dealers wishing to sell sustainable
            really is ‘the paper that plants trees’,   dioxide from fossil fuels during   cut size office paper products?
            because of a number of factors:      its manufacturing process. Any   A:   There is a whole environmental
            n   Raw materials: the majority of its   CO2 that is generated through   marketing and support programme
              raw material comes from wood       distribution and storage is     that goes with Woodland Trust
              cut down as part of thinning       compensated for through Premier’s   Office Paper, including tree planting
              work in forests and wood chips     Carbon Capture programme, which   days and website and social media
              sourced from local sawmills,       plants trees with the Woodland   content. Dealers can also choose to
              minimising the environmental       Trust’s Woodland Carbon Scheme.  Carbon Capture any product that
              impact of transportation.                                          they buy from Premier Paper.
            n   Integrated mill: Woodland   Q:   What have been the recent trends
              Trust Office Paper is made at    in demand for sustainable cut
              an integrated mill. This means   size office paper products?
              that the pulp and paper are   A:   Strong growth has also been a factor
              made on the same site, reducing   with the Woodland Trust Office
              the energy needed as the pulp    Paper brand. The environmental
              does not need to be dried and    story around the product is so
              transported to another location.  strong and it continues to generate
            n   Energy: the mill is entirely self-  enormous interest in the market.
              sufficient when it comes to heat and
              produces around 40% of its total   Q:   Why should OP dealers get
              electricity needs, with the rest being   involved in selling sustainable cut
              purchased from climate-neutral   size office paper products?
              sources. Bio fuel (waste products   A:   Woodland Trust Office Paper has a
              from the production process such   great environmental story to tell

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