Page 24 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 24
Asbestos is hazardous and can still be
present in working environments
he Health and Safety Executive n Textured
Trecently promoted its Go Home coatings (Artex)
Healthy campaign, whose focus for
2018/19 is work-related ill health. With Asbestos was
asbestos-related conditions being even used as an
responsible for approximately 4,000 added ingredient in
deaths a year, Occupational Lung Disease a brand of toothpaste
is a key priority for the campaign. – apparently due to the
The term ‘asbestos’ refers to six abrasive quality of its fibres
naturally-occurring fibrous minerals – as well as in the filters of
which have the ability to resist some cigarettes, as if smoking
heat, fire and electricity. The three wasn’t already dangerous enough!
most common types of asbestos Asbestos is hazardous because
used in the UK have been: it is made up of microscopic fibres
that can easily become airborne and
n Chrysotile (white asbestos) inhaled and – because of their shape
n Amosite (brown asbestos) – asbestos particles cling to tissues
n Crocidolite (blue asbestos) in the lungs and other areas of the
respiratory system. Over time, the
Asbestos has been utilised for inhalation of these tiny fibres can cause
many years in a number of different inflammation, which results in a number 2012 and requires the person who
commercial and industrial settings. of health problems such as lung cancers, has the duty (the dutyholder) to:
In the workplace it can be found in: including mesothelioma and asbestosis.
The use of amosite and crocidolite n Find out if asbestos is present
n Ceiling tiles and sound was banned in the UK in 1985, and n Make a record of the location, type
attenuating boards when the Asbestos (Prohibitions) and condition of the asbestos
n Lagging for pipes and boilers (Amendment) Regulations came n Assess the risk of anyone being
n Spray coatings to structural into force in 1999, the use of exposed to the asbestos
beams and ceilings chrysotile was also prohibited. A UK n Prepare a plan for how to
n Insulating boards and wall panels company’s duty to manage asbestos manage these risks
n Cement roofs, gutters, drainpipes, boiler is contained in Regulation 4 of the n Put the plan into action, monitor
flues, panels, water pipes and tanks Control of Asbestos Regulations it and keep it up to date