Page 22 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 22
size office paper products? involved in selling sustainable cut
A: Considering the previous answer, size office paper products?
the large majority of paper products A: Consumers currently demand more
such as office paper are sustainable. sustainable products. They are better
Recent trends are for consumers to informed and know that planted
require proof of sustainability, such forests are renewed: they know that
as Ecolabel or forest certification natural fibres do not last forever and
scheme logos, lower grammage, therefore recognise the importance of
higher recycling ability, and higher using virgin fibre to refresh a multiuse
use of renewable energy. cascade of different paper products.
They are definitely less convinced by
Q: What have been the recent innovations the recycled content of products for
in sustainable cut office paper products? premium uses, and search instead
Q: What does ‘sustainable’ mean A: Getting more with less is always a for innovative solutions. Take the
to The Navigator Company? challenge and recent innovations example of lower grammage office
A: The most sustainable products are have shown that this is possible in paper: the annual growth in Europe
those that are made from renewable office paper. The world has modern of office paper with <80gm2 was
and sustainable raw materials, and papermaking plants powered by high 10% in the decade 2005-2015!
that use both fewer resources and rates of renewable energy and use
renewable energy in their manufacture. fibres that provide papers with high Q: What mistakes do OP dealers
Additionally, products should be able opacity and thickness that optimise make in selling sustainable cut
to be recycled multiple times and two sided printing and give lower size office paper products?
into multiple products, and have a paper weights the same quality as A: The single biggest mistake is to
high level of biodegradability. Less standard ones. They also use less keep insisting on the argument that
sustainable products are made from raw material – such as wood - to recycled content is key. Today the vast
fossil resources, use fossil fuels in make the same amount of paper, majority of office paper (more than
their manufacture, are predominately coming from renewable, planted 90%!) is fresh fibre office paper.
single-use or have a low recycling forests. The Navigator Company is
rate, with high landfill volumes leading this process and currently Q: What support can The Navigator
and lower biodegradability. co-chairs the Forest Solution Group Company give dealers wishing
of the World Business Council to sell sustainable cut size
Q: What have been the recent trends for Sustainable Development. office paper products?
in demand for sustainable cut Q: Why should OP dealers get A: The best products!