Page 16 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 16

BOSS Today      #43     SPECIAL FEATURE

          their biomass. The stock of carbon   pick it up, turn it over and see that on   Brazil: wouldn’t it be better to be
          in forest biomass has increased by   the back there’s an endorsement from   using something a bit more local?”
          around 3 billion tonnes since 1990,   Sir David Attenborough confirming it.   immediately puts the conversation into
          which means that forests absorb   If you’ve got the customer that far, the   an area that is not focused on price,
          around 7% of the annual greenhouse   only thing left for them to do is pay!”  and if the customer replies. “But it’s
          gas emissions from the region. Between                               cheap!”, the dealer can then say, “If
          2005 and 2015, European forests grew   Knowing The Benefits          you could have a more local paper at
          by 44,000 km2: that’s an area bigger   This of course could bring us on to   the same price, why wouldn’t you?””.
          than Switzerland and amounts to over   the sensitive issue of price, but if   So, how successful have Office Club
          1,500 football pitches every day.”  asked about whether the Cool Earth   dealers been in using the sustainability
                                            product is price competitive, Robins   argument to sell the Cool Earth product?
          Walking The Talk                  reiterates: “Price doesn’t matter!   Says Robins, “Since we launched it, we
          Of course, as Percival points out,   That’s the default failing of many   haven’t just reversed the 8% decline
          “sustainability is not something   dealers. There will always be somebody   but we have grown 30% year on year
          that has recently risen to the top of   cheaper. If somebody wants to buy   for two years. End-user interest in
          the agenda as far as office paper is   a socially responsible or sustainable   sustainability is growing faster and
          concerned. The paper industry has been   product, then the discussion should   faster. I don’t think there is anywhere
          at the forefront of socially responsible   be about the sustainable credentials   that is not affected by this, and the
          solutions a long time before the   of the product, not its price.”   impetus is coming from everywhere,
          relatively recent focus on this topic.”  How, then, should dealers successfully   including the reaction to last year’s ‘Blue
           However, what is especially      sell those credentials and that paper?   Planet’ TV series. Any company that has
          interesting at present is the extent to   Again, Robins is clear: “Dealers need to   got employees is going to have some
          which the sustainability message is   be seen as an expert and should know   people within the organisation saying,
          now being used by the OP industry to   more about paper than any end-user   “What are we doing about this?””
          market cut paper products and – of   is likely to. However, since an end-user   It is clear also that there is no value in
          course – how successful this strategy   might know more about sustainability   dealers putting their heads in the sand
          has been in building sales, share   than their dealer, there’s definitely also   on this issue because, as Robins says,
          and margin against the backdrop of   a requirement for dealers to understand     “the increasing profile of
          falling paper volumes and that value-  what the issues are. Going                       sustainability
          shrinking ‘race to the bottom’.    into a client meeting                                     in the UK
           One example of this is Office Club’s   and saying, “I
          Cool Earth brand, as Robins explains:   can see you
          “One of the first things that we did when   are using
          I arrived at Office Club was to look at our   a paper
          own brand range of paper, which was   from
          a premium B grade sheet.  Along with
          the rest of the cut paper market, sales
          of it were in decline, so we questioned
          what value the Office Club brand was
          providing and saw an opportunity to
          source a sustainable premium B grade
          paper product and create an affinity
          marketing programme for it with
          the Cool Earth charity (see box).
           It’s not unusual, of course, to see
          this kind of charity partnership in
          the UK paper market – Premier
          Paper have their own programme
          with the Woodland Trust (see the
          section on Premier Paper below).
           For Robins, the marketing message
          on the Cool Earth paper is deliberately
          direct: “We’ve designed the wrapper of
          the paper so that it simply says ‘This
          Paper Saves Trees’.  It grabs attention
          with a bold statement, so customers can

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