Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 14

BOSS Today      #43     SPECIAL FEATURE



          Or, how - in a declining cut office paper market – the drive for sustainability means there is still opportunity
          for innovation, increasing sales and saving the planet.

          How The Market Looks On Paper     and, when they do, they are doing   and B grade into the lower quality and
          Overall, European demand for cut   different things with it. For example,   price product areas. Percival explains
          office paper has been falling year on   it’s now not unusual for schools to   that this was due to “a resistance from
          year, with Western European countries   email documents to parents that   consumers to accept price increases
          accounting for the decline, as the latest   require home printing and signatures   and a general aversion to moving
          market figures from paper industry   added: this is something that simply   prices by dealers/resellers for fear of
          analysts EMGE show (see figure below).  did not exist two or three years ago.”  pushing consumers out to market.”
           Accordingly, it is no surprise that the   Another market dynamic during   Furthermore, it seems unlikely that
          UK has been very much part of this   2018 was a continuation of the   the pressure on the paper market will be
          downward trend, as Tim Percival, Office   inflationary process seen during 2017,   alleviated to any meaningful extent in
          Divisional Director at Antalis, explains:   caused by the significant increase in   2019, and with paper prices higher than
          “Market intelligence indicates a year   commodity pulp costs, driven by an   they were two years ago, the appetite
          on year total cut size volume decline in   increase in global demand for pulp.  for businesses to save on consumables
          the UK of around 7% to 10%.  This is the   One result of these paper price   costs is likely to be sustained.
          unfortunate consequence of digitisation   increases was a ‘race to the bottom’
          and ‘read from screen’. Businesses   in paper grade terms throughout 2017   Finding That Silver Lining
          and consumers are printing less paper   and 2018, with a trading down from A   So where – under these rather
                                                                               inauspicious circumstances – is growth
                                                                               in sales, market share and value to be
           European Cutsize Paper Apparent Demand                              gained in selling cut office paper?
           (000 tonnes) - October, 2018                                          For many years there has been some

                                                                               emphasis on recycling as perhaps
                                                                               offering paper manufacturers and
             Region      October 2018  Growth % pa  Year To Date  Growth % pa
                                                                               distributors an opportunity for
                                                                               differentiation and – to some extent
             Western     218          -8.6%       2,215        -6.2%           – this has been successful.  Certainly,
             Europe                                                            Europe now has a leading position in
                                                                               paper recycling: according to the CEPI
             Eastern     43           1.8%        415          1.3%            (Confederation of European Paper
                                                                               Industries), paper fibres are used 3.6
                                                                               times on average in Europe, while
             Total Europe  258        -7.0%       2,630        -5.1%           the world average is 2.4 times. With
                                                                               a commitment to achieve a paper
                                                                               recycling rate of 74% in Europe by
           * excludes Russia, Ukraine and CIS
           Source: EMGE Cutsize Monthly Monitor, November 2018; EMGE & Co Ltd (  2020, the European Paper Recycling
                                                                               Council is currently reporting a recycling

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