Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 13

60 SECOND INTERVIEW   BOSS Today      #43

          LOOKING TO

          THE MANE EVENT

          Specialist OP market researcher Martin Wilde talks to Frances Stephen,
          Director, Springfield Business Supplies Ltd.

          MW:   Please can you give me a history   and really appreciating what the   email charity@bossfederation.
              of your career to date?            Charity could do for someone that and we will send these to you!
          FS:     I joined the stationery industry   was life-changing for them, but
              nearly 25 years ago. I was         actually cost only £300 to achieve.   MW:   You have recently joined the Board of
              previously working within BT and   It was a formerly very successful   BOSS. Why did you decide to get involved?
              I came in to help out whilst I was   lady who was diagnosed with a   FS:     I hope that I can represent the
              on maternity leave. I loved it so   brain tumour: she lost her house   smaller dealer community and
              much I bought the company!!        and, because she wasn’t able to    use my experience to help ensure
                                                 work full time, also her job. She   that what BOSS is offering is
          MW:   What will be the opportunities for   was then severely ill again and   relevant to the wider dealer
              independent dealers in 2019?       was hospitalised for over a year.   community going forward.
          FS:     Dealers need to be brave and   She was referred to the Charity
              embrace the changes in a changing   because she was looking for   MW:   What can BOSS bring to the industry in 2019?
              economic landscape. Dealers have   funding to help replace her teenage   FS:     BOSS will continue to offer its
              ever more access to alternative    daughter’s broken bed. We paid     services, training and networking,
              products/services that they can    to replace this and bought her a   but with Philip Lawson retiring,
              offer to their customers, with a   new sofa as hers was threadbare:   we have the opportunity to bring
              myriad of ways of communicating    she was so grateful, it brought    in new ideas to build on the
              these to them. Companies that      me to tears. She is now back       changes and growth that he has
              diversify and become a more        in full time work and working      overseen in the last few years.
              important supplier to their        her way back up the ladder, and
              customers will find new ways       really appreciates everything we   MW:   Please tell me something about
              to grow their relationships.       have been able to do for her.      yourself that few others know.
              Customers want top notch service,                                FS:     I am a bit of an adrenaline seeker,
              coupled with a more personal   MW:   What does the BOSS Charity       and not a little competitive, so I took
              ordering facility, be that online   need from the industry?           up eventing horses a couple of years
              or otherwise. Proving that you   FS:     Our biggest challenge is reaching   ago. After many years of driving
              can save your customers time       beneficiaries. Most of our industry   my daughter round the countryside
              and money and take real cost       heads have heard of the Charity    whilst she was competing, I took
              out of their business is a win/    but are unlikely to ever need our   the opportunity to put all that
              win for both and is guaranteed to   services. It is the people working   knowledge to good use and have
              ensure loyalty and partnership.    within our companies that are      been competing on behalf of my
                                                 more likely to need financial help   local riding club, and also became
          MW:   You are a Trustee of the BOSS Charity:   at some point, even if it is just   affiliated to British Eventing. My
              why did you get involved in that?  for a one-off expense that they    horse is pretty experienced and
          FS:     This industry has put a roof over   can’t manage. So, we need the   really looks after me, so I was
              my family’s head for the past      industry’s help to get the message   fortunate enough (and completely
              25 years, and it’s good to give    out to them that the Charity exists.   shocked) to win my first ever event,
              something back. I became a Trustee   We can supply posters for staff   which qualified me for the National
              over five years ago and have now   notice boards and leaflets for     Championships, in which I finished
              visited a few of our beneficiaries:   staff induction/exit packs so that   fifth! I am hoping to build on this
              my first visit left me humbled,    everyone can be aware of us. Just   in 2019, so watch this space!

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