Page 8 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 8

BOSS Today      #43     NEWS



          The Business Supplies Keeping Hearts Beating Campaign.

           uke Chapman - previously a BOSS Board   and his fellow Trustees embraced the idea:   installation. If you and your company
          Lmember and a well-known industry   “Our mission is to help members of our   would like to be part of this initiative,
          veteran of companies like Xerox, CE, BPG   industry” Graeme commented, “and we   please email one of the team at
          and Highlands - is a recent survivor of   realised that this initiative would do just or
          an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. He is   that, particularly if we funded the siting of
          not alone, since NHS England ambulance   a defibrillator near to or at St Brides, with a   After all, we in office products
          services attempt to resuscitate over   second mobile device being made available   have always been at the heart of the
          28,000 people every year (around 1 in   at all industry events. This will of course   business community, so why not put
          2,000 of us) who suffer the same plight.   also help the wider public, as we aren’t   something back as a life-saving service
           However, survival rates for out-of-  going to insist that any victim is a member   for our customers and ourselves?
          hospital arrests are only around 6% in   of our industry before being allowed to
          the UK, whilst in countries like Denmark,   have the use of our donated defibrillator!”
          Holland and parts of the USA they are   Having a mobile AED device available -
          between 21% and 65%. Research has   and some of the charity’s Trustees trained
          revealed that the two most significant   in its use and in CPR techniques - will add
          reasons for this startling difference are   another element of care to BOSS events.
          the ability of bystanders to help with   The team are working closely with
          cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and   Heart2Heart, which is a long-standing
          the availability and use of automated   CPR and AED charity, as well as the
          external defibrillators (AEDs).   international AED manufacturer Cardiac
           So Luke (now retired), along with Jade   Science, in order to obtain the best
          Wilson of Highlands and Paul Hicklin of   products at the very lowest cost so as
          Compleat Office Solutions (Mildenhall)   to maximise the number of lives saved.
          have come up with an initiative to   Luke says: “Each AED device has the
          increase our survival rates for cardiac   ability to deliver over 400 shocks, so in
          arrest. In April 2012, Paul’s own father   its lifetime it could easily save hundreds
          had suffered a cardiac arrest where there   of lives.  If only one person is saved, the
          were no defibrillators nearby and sadly   costs would be immediately justified.”
          passed away, which just highlighted to   The next phase of the rollout plan is for
          Paul the need for more defibrillators.   more companies in our industry to get
           The team plans to create awareness   involved, and BOSS member InControl
          of CPR and AED access and usage on a   Marketing are donating support for the
          regional and national basis by working with   project’s marketing requirements. The
          independent retailers and local businesses,   BOSS board recently approved providing
          particularly those on trading estate and   a support fund from reserves to help
          high street locations.  Luke approached   member companies who wish to help
          Graeme Chapman MBE of the BOSS    their local community through financing
          Business Supplies Charity, and Graeme   and implementing CPR training and AED

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