Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 7

NEWS      BOSS Today      #43

                                                                                           Reporting on the
                                                                                       recent events in the
                                                                                   office supplies industry


         ON THE BATON

           he Climb Of Life (COL) 2019      and Susie Stacey and Carol Houston
         Twill be held on November 8th      will continue to work closely with Phil,
         2019 with a new leader!            and I will support them all for as long
           After 30 plus years of leading the   as I am needed. The team has been
         Climb of Life, Graeme Chapman      a vital part of the organisation for
         MBE is handing over the reins to   many years, sharing various duties
         Philip Lawson, who has recently    to help the event run smoothly.”   years, raising over £1.6 million in total
         announced his retirement as CEO of   Chapman started this annual charity   for various charities, including over
         the BOSS Federation, following a career   event in 1984, climbing the three highest   £1 million for the Institute of Cancer
         spanning 32 years in the industry.   Lakeland mountains solo in the snow   Research. Graeme’s climbing boots
           Says Chapman, “I have thought about   in aid of Ethiopian Famine Relief, and   will be big ones to fill, and I’m flattered
         stepping down for some time now, but   raising £6,000 in the process.  Today,   and proud that he has asked me to try.
         as I wanted COL to continue, I couldn’t   around 120 trekkers take part each   I will now have the time to get more
         leave until I had the right successor   year, raising over £100,000 between   involved, and Heather and I are really
         in place. Having worked with Phil for   them in each of the last five years.  excited to retain our close connections
         the last three years, I’m delighted   Lawson commented “The Climb     with so many of our friends in the
         that he and his wife Heather will be   of Life is one of our industry’s great   trade. I’m also really pleased that
         in charge in future. The COL team of   events, and Graeme and his committee   Graeme will stay involved – it would
         Jason and Frances Stephen, Andrew   have done an amazing job over the   never be the same without him!”


           on Morton has been appointed       Jon commented: “I am delighted and
         Ja Trustee of the BOSS Business    honoured to take up the position of
         Supplies Charity (BBSC).           Trustee. We never know quite what
           ‘Morts’, as he is affectionately   life may throw at us at times, and
         known, is the owner and publisher of   the BOSS Business Supplies Charity
         Office Equipment News and Channel   has made a real difference to many
         Info magazines and has many        people over the years who have
         years’ experience in the business   needed help. I am looking forward to   to disability or ill health. The Charity is
         services and supplies industry.    working with the current Trustees in   managed by a group of Trustees who
           BBSC chairman, Graeme Chapman    the fantastic work that they do.”  raise money via numerous fundraising
         MBE, said: “We are delighted to welcome   BBSC was established to assist people   events and generous donations from
         Jon to our team. He has been a Charity   and their families who have worked,   regional BOSS committees, The Society
         supporter for a long time and is well   or who currently work, within the   of Old Friends and individual donors.
         known to a number of the current   stationery or business supplies and
         Trustees. I’m confident that he will be   services industries who may have fallen   To make a donation to the Charity, visit https://
         an excellent addition to the BBSC.”  on hard times or are unable to work due

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