Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 43
P. 15


          rate of as much as 72.3% – around   for sustainably-sourced pulp and,   point out to customers that sourcing
          60 million tonnes – representing   rather than seeing it as a hurdle, he   the cheapest product may have
          an increase of 0.8% over 2016.    sees it as a step to climb higher.  unintended consequences, because it
           However, this is now approaching   Robins, whose green roots date   can be a jungle out there. For example:
          maximum potential in Europe, as about   back to his setting up his own green   n  Six years ago, the Institute of Wood
          22% of paper consumption cannot be   office supplies company back in   Technology and Wood Biology
          collected or recycled. Furthermore,   1989, is now a Fellow and Strategic   found that 78% of 59 samples
          there is some evidence to suggest   Council Member of the Institute of   of Indonesian paper products
          that – in and of itself – recycling is   Environmental Management and   contained wood that could only
          now not widely regarded as the prime   Assessment.  He sees opportunities for   have been harvested illegally.
          environmental factor for cut office   dealers from their customers specifying   n  The World Resources Institute have
          paper. According to the 333 paper   sustainability criteria: “It’s the start   highlighted Indonesia and Brazil
          merchants, OEMs, OP dealers and   of a conversation that isn’t just about   as deforestation hotspots and
          printers interviewed in EMGE’s Cutsize   price and it’s an opportunity that will   Robins argues that the Brazilian
          Benchmarking Survey 2018, it is ‘FSC   only be seized with the appropriate   government’s policy of putting the
          Certification’ that is considered to be   preparation and product knowledge.”  economy before the environment
          the most important environmental    This involves the dealer researching   must increase the risk of contributing
          factor when choosing a brand of cut   a prospective customer’s procurement   to environmental harm through
          size paper, followed closely by ‘PEFC   and sustainability policies – and   sourcing Brazilian forest products.
          Certification’. ‘Green Packaging’ (ie   having the relevant product knowledge
          non-plastic packaging) was considered   of both their own and competitors’   All of this gives dealers the
          important by 50% of respondents,   offerings – to ensure the optimum   opportunity to present the benefits
          while ‘Recycled Content’ and ‘Lower   alignment of product and customer.  of sourcing paper and other products
          Grammages’ were considered to be                                     locally, and the good news is that
          less important environmental factors.  It’s A Jungle Out There       Robins believes that Europe is a
                                            Acquiring this knowledge allows dealers   credible and well-regulated source
          “It’s About Sustainability, Stupid!”  to question customers about how   for sustainable paper and that forest
          The factor that is increasingly being   buying a recycled sheet from a mill that   cover is actually increasing.
          regarded as important is sustainability,   is coal-powered – or how transport   Indeed, Percival agrees that European
          which (according to the 1987 Brundtland   emissions from a product that has been   forests are in general properly managed
          definition) means “meeting our own   shipped thousands and thousands of   and as such have a positive impact
          needs without compromising the    miles – can possibly fit in with their   on the environment: “Forests play an
          ability of future generations to meet   company’s sustainability objectives.  important role in mitigating climate
          their own needs”. Toby Robins, CEO of   This expertise also helps the dealer   change by absorbing carbon from the
          Office Club, welcomes the ‘raising of   to avoid some of the risks and pitfalls   atmosphere, and Europe’s forests store
          the bar’ represented by the demand   of global paper sourcing and helpfully   almost 80 billion tonnes of carbon in

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