Page 23 - BOSS Today Issue 11
P. 23

“digital storage has begun

                                                                        to play a part, but not as
                                                                        much as first imagined.”

       on the subject than they were   obviously useful for gardens, but   still looking to fulfil consumer   the work his consultancy does,
       previously,” says Cheesmond,   we then got approached by Toys   requirements by supplying   he says. “Most businesses we
       “and actively seek out eco-  ‘R’ Us to do baby toy storage for   strong, easy assembly and   meet want to move away from
       friendly products. There is a   Babies ‘R’ Us.”        environmentally-friendly filing   hard copy and have everything
       much greater awareness of    Nevertheless, he says, the   and storage products.”  stored electronically. At work
       which green attributes are   company, all of whose products   Ilsen too, thinks talk of a   we send out all our invoices
       important to the consumer.”  are made in the UK, sees great   digital takeover is premature.   electronically and 95 per cent
         She says consumers have   potential in office products. “We   “In the long term there may be   of the invoices we receive are
       additionally become aware   have a turnover of £16m and   a decline in the market we are   electronic. By using services
       of the myriad of different   had 40 per cent growth last year,”   serving thanks to the growth   like Dropbox you get the best
       independent accreditations   he says.                  of digital,” he says, “but in the   of both worlds: digital cloud
       there are for environmentally   But of course, the green   meantime there is great growth.”  storage that is accessible from
       friendly products, and seek these   movement isn’t the only   However Stewart Watkins,   any device and local PC storage
       out when they are buying.  threat out there. With the   of IT consultancy Lighthouse   synchronised across the web.”
         Attitudes have also changed   onset of cloud computing, for   IT, who advises both BOSS   Such changes do not
       on one issue that has previously   example, where consumers can   and sister organisation the   necessarily spell the end of
       dogged “green” products,   theoretically store as much data   BPIF, thinks there have been   paper, he says, but they do
       and that is their relative   and information they want to   interesting developments in    probably mean that offices
       strength compared with more   on a seemingly endless range   the market.          in the future will not need to
       conventional items. “Consumers   of servers, both real and virtual,               invest so heavily in physical
       no longer view recycled    isn’t there starting to be a threat   Changes          storage – either in terms of
       materials as a lower grade,” she   from digital products too?  Just look, he says, at the changes   office products, or in terms of
       says. “Consequently Fellowes   Cheesmond isn’t convinced.   that have taken place in recent   the space they take up.
       continues to provide the   “Digital storage has begun to   years in everyone’s private life.   “I am not talking about
       consumer with environmentally-  play a part in the consumer   “My bank statement, my car and   scanning your old documents
       friendly products that are   consciousness,” she says, “but   house insurance documents,   and storing them digitally,” he
       engineered to deliver strength   the acceleration has not had   and my utilities bills are now all   says, “but putting new systems
       and durability.”           the impact as first imagined.   done online,” he says. “They are   in place that control the process
                                  We’re still witnessing local   all stored in the provider’s admin   management and create the
       Plastic                    storage of physical documents   area and although I take a copy   required electronic documents
       Strata Products, whose range   both in the office itself but   for my own reference, that tends   which you can print out at any
       tends to focus more on plastic   also within company owned   to be a digital copy. Even the   given point if and when the
       storage boxes including boxes   facilities, whether they be   car’s MOT is now online - you   need arises.”
       for CDs and DVDs, has also   warehouses or other storage   just get a receipt.”      That, at any rate, is one vision
       not been hugely affected by   locations. Consequently we are   Such changes are reflected in   of the future. Cheesmond at
       the onset of environmental                                                        Fellowes, however, believes
       consciousness, primarily                                                          that some office products may
       because the company has                                                           still have something of a retro
       responded to it in a positive                                                     pull. Her company has noticed
       way. “Our boxes are 100 per                                                       continuing high demand for its
       cent recyclable,” says sales and                                                  R-Kive woodgrain effect storage
       marketing director Jay Ilsen, “and                                                boxes – from more than one
       we have just launched a range                                                     quarter.
       that is made from recycled                                                           “These remain popular in the
       materials.”                                                                       legal sector in particular,” she says,
         The company, which is based                                                     “as well as in financial services
       in Nottinghamshire, has come                                                      and the health sector. But they
       to office products through a                                                      are also being requested as props
       circuitous route. Founded by                                                      from TV production companies
       Ilsen’s grandfather 21 years                                                      who are producing legal dramas.”
       ago after he had successfully                                                        So the storage box, she says,
       grown and floated off another                                                     is here to stay – in fact and
       company on the stock market, it                                                   fiction.
       operates in the horticultural and
       baby furnishings market as well.                                                  n Fore more
       Ilsen says that is an accident of                                                 inFormation visit
       history. “We started out with                                            and
       storage boxes which were   Strata Products’ 40-litre Smart Storemaster box, designed for A4 files.

                                                                                               March 2012 | BOSS TODAY  23

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