Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 11
P. 21

Let’s look at the big picture   suppliers’ paper – or copier                    environmental claims have
       first. According to Tim Bowler,   paper, as the industry likes to call            been made about the relative
       director of the National   it – is not as easy to quantify on                     environmental merits of digital
       Association of Paper Merchants   its own, because it is supplied                  technology and paper. It is these
       (NAPM), up until about 20 years   through more complex channels                   claims which the Two Sides
       ago his industry proved to be a   to market: Bowler estimates that                campaign, which the NAPM
       remarkably reliable bellwether   around 60 per cent of all office                 helped to create some five years
       on how UK PLC was performing.  paper supplied in the UK comes                     ago with support from BOSS
         “Up until the mid-1990s   through his members, and so is                        sister organisation the BPIF,
       paper consumption was a    reflected in NAPM figures. Even                        is looking to redress. But the
       pretty good barometer for the   still, those figures are down.                    economic recession, says Bowler,
       wellbeing of the nation,” he   Consumption has gone down                          hasn’t helped.
       says. “When we were having a   22.5 per cent from  December   Bowler: “The           “It’s a hunch of mine that
       boom time, paper consumption   2009 to December 2011. “The   recession            the recession gave companies
       went up, and when we were in   volume of copier paper our                         an excuse to exclude paper,”
       recession it went down in line   members are distributing  is   gave              he says. “They were very keen
       with GDP growth or decline.”  now three quarters of what it                       to ease off on paper use, but
         That link began to decouple   was five years ago,” says Bowler.  companies      not so keen on easing off using
       in the late 1990s with the   To address this issue,                               other just as costly and less
       emergence of reliable digital   the NAPM held a forum in   an excuse              environmentally friendly items.”
       technology, but even still, says   October last year where it
       Bowler, right up until the middle   asked members when they   to exclude          Clawing back
       of the last decade, the decline   thought the paper consumption                   But there are ways of clawing
       was fairly gradual. “There was still   situation was likely to “flatline”   paper.”  some market back. Bowler sees
       only about a 1.5 per cent annual   – “flatline” in this case meaning              some signs of opportunity in
       decrease in consumption,” he   “bottom out”.           scale production would have   the home office market – one
       says.                        “The general consensus was   brought it. Not forgetting the   that may not be as much at the
                                  that it would not be until at least   impact that new so-called green   mercy of rigorous environmental
       Momentous year             2015/16,” he says.          technologies such as biomass   policies. After all, most people
       That all changed – as did much   That will mean some quite   burning are having on the price   now have a printer at home
       else – in the annus horribilis   considerable bottoming out, as   of paper’s main ingredient –   that needs paper fed into it. The
       of 2008. “In 2009 we had a   Bowler is quick to admit. “The   wood.               only trouble is that much of that
       9.2 per cent drop in overall   previous levels of volume tonnes    But is Bowler pessimistic   market has been soaked up by
       consumption from 2008, from   are never going to come back,”   about the future? Absolutely   the likes of Sainsbury’s and Asda.
       where consumption of printing   he says.               not. He says the product his   “People are picking up paper as
       papers had been 2 million    The decline is already    members produce will always   part of their weekly shop,” he says.
       tonnes a year,” he says.   affecting the industry      have a future. “Don’t forget that   A really key change will only
         Things began to look     structurally, he says, with all   paper has been around for 2,000   come, he says, if the paper
       like they were beginning to   NAPM members restructuring   years,” he says. “It’s not going   and office products industries
       straighten out in 2010, when   and looking at cost savings   to die out now. In many, many   start working more closely on
       consumption only dropped 5.2   including major mergers taking   respects there is no substitute   innovation.
       per cent – still a big drop, but   place such as the one that   for words on paper.”  “We have to be more
       less of a haemorrhage than the   formed Antalis McNaughton.  The main threat, he says,   innovative when confronted
       year before. “But then we had   “The companies within the   is coming from “some very   with the likes of Android apps,”
       our double dip anyway,” says   PaperlinX group, the largest   challenging channels that we   he says. “We can be glad that
       Bowler, “because in 2011 the fall   UK merchant group, have also   have to compete with now”.   there has been a move back
       in consumption went back up to   merged distribution and many   Things like SMS messages, he   to catalogues among some
       9.3 per cent. So in over just three   of their back office functions,   says, which have largely taken   retailers. The IKEA catalogue, for
       years there has been a 22 per   even if they have kept their sales   the place of the old notepads   example is now one of the most
       cent fall in consumption.”  operations separate,” says Bowler.   people might have used in years   widely distributed books in the
         It should be pointed out   “The fall in consumption has   gone by.              world. But we have to find other
       here that the figures Bowler is   also been matched by a fall in   Office paper in particular,   innovative ways we can all use
       referring to are for overall paper   the number of people working   he says, has been hit by the   paper.”
       consumption – in other words,   in the paper industry.”  increasing trend for corporations   The challenge is certainly on.
       not just paper that is sold by   That goes some of the way   to be more environmentally
       office products suppliers but   to explaining the rise in prices,   aware about what they see as   n For more inFormation
       paper that gets sent to the   as the sector loses some of the   the waste they cause.  visit or
       printers as well. In fact, office   economies of scale that larger   He says some very “spurious”   emaiL

                                                                                                March 2012 | BOSS TODAY  21

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