Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 11
P. 18


       seems Mr Hart had become too   as sales and marketing director
       involved in spending his time   who is ten years younger than
       with the local council rather   him.
       than running the business. The   The company, which employs
       lawyers and administrators had   25 people, now supplies mainly
       to be called in when he died   to the thriving biotech sector
       and his surviving sister took one   in the Cambridgeshire area, but
       look at the company’s accounts.  it has customers nationwide,
         The Turnbull family took the   and has also moved into both
       business, merged it with their   business machines and furniture
       existing business and grew it,   – something Turnbull says
       although printing operations   allows the company to be more
       were sold off when Turnbull’s   creative. “Furniture is now more
       Uncle Jack, who had been   interesting, because stationery
       looking after them, retired in   has become so commoditised,”   The Harts team today
       the 1960s. The company that   he says. “You are not putting in
       took the printing operations on   the same chair all the time.”  “at the start    much more dicey.
       sadly went into administration   But he has certainly seen                           “We had an offer to buy
       some years later, but that isn’t   some changes in that time,   our supplier      the lease that we couldn’t
       the end of the story. “I saw   not least the fact most of the                     turn down,” he says. “We had
       an opportunity to buy an old   business machines he now sells   delivered         had several such offers before,
       printing press and we started   were not even heard of when                       which we had turned down,
       again,” says Turnbull. “Today   he started. “The whole structure   once a week.   but something must have been
       around £750,000 of our £4.5m   of the industry has changed,”                      telling us that we should think
       turnover comes from printing.”  he says. “At the start our main   now its twice   about doing something this
         As for Turnbull himself, his   wholesaler delivered once a                      time.”
       career started with him working   week. Now it is sometimes twice  a day.”           Turnbull still enjoys the
       at the age of 15 as an assistant   a day. There were also more local              contact with the customers,
       in the famous Heffers bookshop   manufacturers then.”                             despite no longer having a
       in Cambridge, where his father   The company has always                           retail operation. “We still see
       knew the owner. “I didn’t like   embraced change, however.   playing with back at home.  customers because we deliver in
       it,” he says, “I left and spent two   You hear that phrase used very   “We were the seventh   our own vans and we think this
       years doing my own thing,   often with business, but in   company in the country to be   personal service is important,”
       but then father said I should   Harts’ case it really applies. Back   allowed to try it,” says Turnbull,   he says. “But some customers
       join the family business. So I   in 1983 it applied to take part   “Spicers are based near us, so   don’t really want any particular
       did. I learned every part, from   in the initial launch of Spicers’   I knocked on their door. We   relationship. They just want you
       operating the machinery to   Progress computer system.   were guinea pigs and it was   to deliver, and that is also fine.”
       sweeping the floor.”       This was a novel way for the   a huge success, allowing us,   The Harts name is still very
         It is the office solutions side   wholesaler to allow dealers to   as an independent company,   much in the public eye, because
       of the business that Turnbull   order goods with a computer,   to compete with national   the Turnbull family is heavily
       has built in a subsequent career   brought out at a time when   operations.”      involved in running the twice-
       stretching for almost four   most office suppliers, if they   And although Harts has since   yearly Words in Walden literary
       decades. He is now 58, with no   thought about computers at all,   parted company with Spicers,   event, and the Harts brand is
       succession plan and no children   probably thought of the Sinclair   who in turn sold the Progress   used in publicity for that. “At
       of his own, but with a brother   ZX Spectrums their sons were   system on to ECi, Turnbull still   the last festival we had James
                                                              uses it.                   Herriot’s son and Sir Roy Strong
                                                                One change in the last five   as speakers,” he says. “We have
        KEEPing CHarity in MinD                               years has been moving out of   also had the current and past
                                                              retail. The company used to   poets laureate and many other
        Times may be hard, but that doesn’t stop BOSS         run a stationery and bookshop   major literary figures. We stage
        members doing their bit for charity, as well as for   in Saffron Walden, but sold it   around 10 to 12 events at each
        long-established fellow members. At the same BOSS     in March 2008, which Turnbull   festival and have around 1,500
        Eastern Region annual dinner that saw Harts get       thinks was most fortunate   people through the doors.”
        a special award, members also managed to raise        timing because it was just a few
        some £5,000 to donate to the BOSS BenFund.            months before the credit crunch   n For more inFormation
                                                              would have made such a sale   visit

       18  BOSS TODAY | March 2012

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