Page 22 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 22

BOSS Today SS Today      #44#44  60 SECOND INTERVIEW

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          Specialist OP market researcher Martin Wilde talks to Simon Drakeford, CEO of EO Group and
          new Chairman of BOSS.

          MW:   Please can you give me a history of your   years I have also been the founding   performance using some of BOSS’s
              career to date?                    Chairman of 15Gifts which is a     industry performance insights.
          SD:      After university I sold advertising   SaaS machine learning, decision
              for trade publications, but then   engine in TMT.                MW:  Congratulations on being appointed BOSS
              went back to university part                                          Chairman. What do you see as being the
              time and studied marketing and   MW:  Please describe your involvement in BOSS   main functions of this role?
              then got a job as the Ecommerce    to date.                      SD:     I think it is primarily to support
              Manager for the Daily Express   SD:     I have always tried to support   the CEO and co-ordinate the
              and Daily Star. I then became      BOSS as much as possible and       Non-Executives to ensure that we
              Ecommerce Manager for Orange,      joined the Board three years ago. I   leverage the significant experience
              tasked with launching the Orange   also sit on a number of committees   that sits around the boardroom
              Shop online: I was working with    which tend to focus on member      table to enable the future
              incredibly smart people and        engagement and marketing.          development of the Federation.
              Orange went from being number
              four to number one in the market.   MW:  How has BOSS membership benefitted the EO   MW:  What do you think that you can bring to the
              I then moved to T-Mobile as        Group?                             role?
              eBusiness Director, where I also   SD:     The EO Group has always been   SD:     I’m hoping I can help Amy
              completed my Henley MBA, which     members of BOSS: we benefit from   Hutchinson (new CEO), by
              fostered entrepreneurial urges in   both the networking and by using   leveraging my experience of being
              me that I could no longer resist!   some of its services, such as HR,   a senior leader at a relatively
              In 2007 I met George Karibian,     which offer incredible quality and   young age (I was the same age
              the founder of Euroffice, and      value. Younger members of our      as Amy when I became CEO of
              moved to be CEO of a 17 people     business learn a lot from attending   Euroffice) and by supporting her
              pureplay office supplies reseller.   the training programmes and      induction into the industry. I also
              Following a management buyout      meeting people from other parts    hope that my experience of sitting
              in 2010, Euroffice became part     of the industry, while my senior   on different types of Boards - in
              of the EO Group. For the last five   management like to benchmark our   large corporates and with start-

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