Page 19 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 19
BIC UK & Ireland
Natacha Braine-Bonnaire, Product Manager
Q: How has the UK writing extended the range of barrel are ISO accredited). In fact,
instruments market changed in colours, ink colours and even our products have always been
the last two years? designs, messages and grip eco-conceived and are never
A: The market has faced decline coatings, meaning that these designed for single use: for
over the past few years, can also be personalised. instance, our BIC Cristal Original
driven by some macro trends pen contains less than 6g of
such as political instability Q: What have been the recent plastic and can write for up to
(especially Brexit), a weak developments for writing 3km, so it will deliver multiple
pound, increased inflation instruments in the education uses over its life. For a number
and generally lower consumer sector? of years, BIC have also offered
confidence, along with some A: With government budget a wide range of eco-products
category trends (eg the end cuts and student numbers under the Ecolutions sub-
of the ‘adult colouring trend’). increasing, schools have been brand – including ball pens,
However, the market has grown looking for products that can graphite and colouring pencils,
over the last five years. make the most of their limited colouring pens, markers, glue
budgets. It is also likely that and correction products – all
Q: Which innovations have been we will see schools asking made from recycled plastics and
most successful in the writing parents (or even teachers) to environmentally accredited. We
instruments sector in the last buy more of their stationery are in the process of making
two years? needs themselves, creating an sure that our packaging is even
A: Pastel highlighters have been a opportunity for other channels. more eco-friendly by identifying
real hit in recent years, along Schools have also started to alternative materials that we
with pens with fun messages focus on eco-friendly and can switch to, but we already
and patterns on them, or recycled products a lot more, use 95% certified recycled
having a glittery or shiny finish recently. cardboard and 99% PVC-
(especially rose gold). free plastic and are reducing
Q: What has your company’s unnecessary packaging by selling
Q: Which of your products have approach been to the issue of many of our products in larger
seen the greatest increase in single use plastic packaging? boxes or even loose. We have
interest by end-users – and A: BIC have an extensive also been working with recycling
why? Sustainability and company Terracycle since 2011
A: The 4 Colours™ pen has grown Environmental charter and we and creating the first writing
very strongly recently – almost are actively working to reduce instrument recycling program
doubling sales in just two years. our environmental footprint in Europe, in which old pens are
The 4 Colours™ Original pen across all operations. We have a collected at collection points
with the blue barrel is iconic range of five key sustainability across the country and up-cycled
and having four separate commitments that we aim to into outdoor furniture, such as
colours in one pen is very reach by 2025 (including moving benches and picnic tables, which
convenient. Furthermore, a to 80% renewable energy and are used in schools and parks
number of line extensions have ensuring that all of our factories across the UK and France.