Page 16 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 16

BOSS Today      #44     SPECIAL FEATURE

          Addressing The Plastic Problem    plastic out of the supply chain, but   for 1,000m will have the same plastic
          Indeed, one of the unique features   there are some things that we cannot   cap, barrel, tip, packaging and carbon
          of the writing instruments market is   do without, such as bar codes etc. So,   footprint as one that will write for
          that – perhaps more than any other   while there is a lot of interest in this   only 200m, but will last five times
          traditional stationery item – these   issue from consumers, some of this is   longer and therefore have only a
          products are partly sold on how they   not entirely logical: for example, instead   fifth of the environmental impact”.
          look. This means that product visibility   of shrinkwrapping markers, Pentel
          in retail is vital for these items, so   came up with a recycled and recyclable   Fantastic Opportunities
          that consumers can see what they   cardboard alternative. Within a couple   There are, then, plenty of opportunities
          are buying. However, being small and   of weeks, the company received a   for writing instruments manufacturers
          (sometimes) of relatively high unit value,   couple of complaints from consumers,   to leverage their talent for innovation.
          they are also eminently thievable and,   who felt that it was ‘over packaged’!”  Says Craik, “We can’t move away from
          as a result, need to be protected from                               plastic pens easily, but we can do a lot of
          pilferage. The mantra is therefore ‘Let   More Than One Way To Crack A Nut  work to make them more recyclable and
          the consumers see what they are buying   Of course, there is often more than one   to make the packaging easier to recycle
          but don’t make it easy to steal them!’.  way to crack a nut and other ways of   (and easily identifiable as that), but
           What these individual products   addressing environmental issues have   we need to focus on our core strengths
          need, of course, is their own retail   included looking for plastic materials   and persuade consumers that actually
          display showcase: and, in the past,   that are kinder to the environment: for   buying a more expensive refillable
          the solution to this has often been   example, replacing APET with RPET,   pen – or one with more ink in it – is
          the use of plastic packaging.     which has a slightly milkier look to the   much more environmentally-friendly
           As we know, ‘single use’ plastic   plastic, but is much easier to recycle.   than buying a disposable product.”
          packaging is very much the issue of   Another option is to move towards   Furthermore, as Chairman of the
          the moment and, as a result, writing   refillable pens. Says Craik, “Around   WIA, Craik is keen to point out that
          instrument manufacturers are being   two thirds of Pentel’s product range is   the Association can provide ‘fantastic
          engaged about it on a daily basis by   refillable – in fact, many even use the   opportunities’ for writing instruments
          interested customers. “It’s both a   same refill – but one problem is that   manufacturers to work together for
          challenge and an opportunity.” says   it’s very difficult for consumers to buy   their mutual benefit: “There are still
          Craik, “For example, what is the   a refill! It’s interesting that some of   some strong writing instruments
          definition of ‘single use’? Some might   Pentel’s bestselling SKUs on Amazon   brands that are not members of
          even consider the body of a plastic   are refills, simply because no-one else in   BOSS, nor of the WIA: we want to
          ‘disposable’ ballpoint pen to be single   the industry carries them.” Accordingly,   encourage them to get involved in our
          use plastic, but you could also argue   Craik emphasises that dealers should   fantastic opportunities for networking
          that it isn’t, because it’s not something   look at offering branded quality refillable   and information exchange.”
          you open and throw away on the day   pens and their refills, pointing out that   This, then, is one showcase that
          you buy it, or only a week afterwards.”  these “will work more reliably than   is determined to highlight the
           As a result, at the end of last year, the   cheap, poor quality plastic disposable   potential successes of the future,
          WIA produced a ‘Positions Statement’   ballpoints sourced from China!”  not just display those of the past.
          (see box) in conjunction with the BOSS   In addition, Craik believes that
          Single Use Plastic Packaging Interest   manufacturers’ innovative energies   Martin Wilde – the author of this article - is
          Group which, Craik believes, answers   – and dealers’ sales efforts –   Managing Director of OP market research
          most people’s questions: “At the end of   should also focus on greater product   specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
          the day, all of us are working to take   longevity: “A marker pen that writes   (

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