Page 24 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 24


             CLEANING UP

              One litre of diesel can pollute one million litres of water*

               n sufficient volume, something as   Cleaning Up                 Aid, Firefighting, Accidental
              Iinnocuous as milk will kill fish in a   Spills must be cleaned up safely   Release Measures, Personal
              watercourse. So, imagine the impact   and as soon as possible, without   Protective Equipment (PPE),
              to the environment if a 1,000 litre   putting responders in danger. The   Ecological Information, Disposal
              IBC containing solvent should spill   first steps are critical for a safe   Considerations.
              and enter the watercourse from your   outcome and should be proportionate   3. Assess the danger to people and
              drains. This could lead to a major   to the incident’s nature and scale.   the environment.
              environmental issue, hefty fines   The magnitude of risk will depend   4. Exclude unnecessary personnel
              from the Environmental Agency,   on the hazards the spill presents   from the area.
              and unwanted publicity that could   to those exposed. It is important   5. Clean up the spill using
              lead to loss of major contracts.  to know where site drains lead   recommended PPE and spill kits.
                Smaller spills can also have   to. There are two main types:  5. Investigate the cause of the spillage
              serious consequences on the natural                              in order to prevent recurrence.
              environment near the workplace.   1. Surface water to take away the
              Liquids can soak through the ground   rainfall                  Spill Kits
              to reach ground water, ditches and   2. Foul sewers that take the domestic   A typical spill kit will include a
              watercourses. Spillages can travel   waste to treatment works.   mobile bin with a lid containing oil
              far in running water before detection                           or chemical absorbent pads, an inert
              and cause severe damage to wildlife.  It is also important to build an   absorbent such as granules, and
                Health hazards could manifest   inventory of all substances that are   plastic bin bags to store the spill. It
              in the form of harm to skin, eyes   categorised as hazardous under   should be strategically located so
              and respiratory system. Many    the Classification, Labelling and   that a spillage can be cleaned up or
              chemicals can penetrate unbroken   Packaging Regulations. Suppliers   contained immediately. Drain covers
              skin, causing ill effects in other   are legally required to provide a   should be placed in yard areas to
              parts of the body. Breathing in   compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS),   prevent the spillage entering the
              fine dust or vapour from powder   where the most important sections   drains.
              or liquid spills can cause short or   are listed in the Spill Response
              long-term ill health. Chemicals may   Sequence:                 For more information about spillages,
              enter the lungs and could affect the                            please contact BPIF Specialist Services
              kidneys, liver or heart. Vapour may   1. Is it classified as harmful? Does   on 01924 203335 or Phil Ashcroft, Health,
              lead to narcotic effects, sleepiness   it have danger pictograms on the   Safety & Environmental Adviser, at phil.
              or even unconsciousness. The      original container?  or on 07801 981 340
              effects of chemical spillage are   2. Check the product safety data
              even more pronounced in enclosed   sheet, follow the advice in the   *Pollution Prevention
              spaces with poor ventilation.     following specific sections: First   Guidelines PPG 17

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