Page 8 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 8


         A NIGHT!

            he newly-refurbished   “Twins” from the back of    After an excellent meal,   Family: Not The Sitcom. His
         TVictory Services Club    the room (the uncanny     and with the formalities   anecdotes, supported by
         in Marble Arch was the    resemblance between the   over, the President rose to   photos and videos, covered
         venue for The Society     President and Mr Baddiel   introduce the Honoured    his parents and his children,
         of Old Friends’ Autumn    was indeed referred to many   Guest. It was, he said,   our attitudes to the dead, to
         Dinner, playing host to over   times over the course of the   a regular occurrence   offence and to how we react
         one hundred members       evening).                 for people to randomly     on social media.
         and guests. Pre-event       David Langdown          approach him and tell him   He sat down to cheers and
         publicity promised a night   welcomed the guests and   he looks like David Baddiel.   applause – a very popular
         to remember and, once     extended thanks to Old    Nodding, laughter and calls   choice of Guest. He later
         again, the Society did not   Friend John Logan, who had   of “he does” from the floor   tweeted how much he had
         disappoint.               carved a new oak base for   confirmed this to be true!   enjoyed the event to his half
           A pre-dinner champagne   the Society’s bronze bust   This was a unique chance,   a million Twitter followers.
         reception was hosted      of its founder, Jack Barwick.   the President said, to have   But the entertainment
         on the balcony above      He explained that tradition   them both in the same room   was far from over, as music
         the Carisbrooke Room,     dictates that the bust, which   at the same time.    took over from comedy. The
         before the Society’s guest   is an exact replica of one   The list of David Baddiel’s   Eastcoast Boys brought the
         toastmaster, Richard      in the Tate Gallery, attends   accomplishments is    highlights of their show, Big
         Britchnell, called guests to   all the Society dinners,   extensive: comedian,   Girls Don’t Cry. With over an
         dinner. In the first moment   despite weighing almost 30   writer, director, producer,   hour of wall-to-wall Frankie
         of drama of the evening,   pounds and not being very   recording artist, creator for   Valli and the Four Seasons
         Richard slipped at the edge   conveniently shaped for   radio, television and the big   hits.  Whilst some preferred
         of the stage and suffered   carrying on the train!   screen. It is so long, in fact,   to listen from the bar, most
         a cut to his arm that later   David also thanked Old   that our Guest took to the   of the audience stayed to
         required stitches! Thankfully,   Friend Steve Hilleard and   stage before the President   sing and clap along, with a
         a combination of nearby first   his OPI colleague, Joel   could finish!        hard core group dancing in
         aid and a red tailcoat meant   Mitchell, for re-designing   It was a night of surprises,   the aisles until the encores
         that there was no blood to   the Society’s logo. The new   he said; the first surprise   finished at around 11.30pm.
         put guests off their dinner!  design maintained the   being that in 1963 his    As Frankie Valli would
           The President, David    links to the past and to the   mother had apparently had   have said, “Oh what a night!”
         Langdown, his wife Jayne   Society’s origins in book   an affair with the President’s   Why not get involved?
         and Honoured Guest - the   selling, but had a simplified,   father! Family was actually   If you’d like to know
         comedian and author David   contemporary feel in line   the theme of David Baddiel’s   more about or join the
         Baddiel - were welcomed   with the desire to ensure   speech as he delighted   Old Friends, visit www.
         with enthusiastic applause,   that the Society remains   the audience with extracts   thesocietyofoldfriends.
         along with a few calls of   relevant.               from his latest show, My

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