Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 5

Woodland Trust vert ad 1-17  10/01/2017  14:46  Page 1

                                                                 Brands of Office Papers

                                                                        Office Paper

                                                                The paper that plants trees

       Awards and all that attended   Cousins; the Northern and
       the dinner really enjoyed it. I’d   Southern Resellers’ Forums,   Helping create new
       like to thank the team at BOSS   chaired by Adam Noble and     native woodland in
       and BPIF for all their hard work   Steve Harrop respectively; the   the UK  by
                                                                      supporting the
       leading up to the event: only   Manufacturers’ Forum, run by   Woodland Trust
       if you’ve ever been involved in   Mark Knibbs; the Synergy Data
       organising something on this   Committee, coordinated by       High white, totally
       scale will you appreciate how   Chris Anstey; the ever-active   chlorine free
       hard it is to do and how much   Midlands Committee, chaired    office paper
       effort it takes. Helen, Heena,   by Jonathan Crosbee; and      Carbon Capture -
       Amy, Liz, Meeka, Sophie B,   the North West Committee,         CO emissions
       Sophie C, Alex, Rachael and   led by Carl Dovey.  Also a       captured by
       Georgie - you should all be   “big up” to Graeme Chapman       planting trees
       very proud of what you have   and all the trustees of the
       achieved. Thank you!       Charity for their innovations       Produced to the
         We’ve been delighted with   and enthusiasm this year and     most demanding     NOW AVAILABLE
       the response to our Topical   for all the hard work they do    environmental
       Tips webinars on Tuesday   when looking after those in                               IN 80GSM
       afternoons and a huge thanks   need.
       to our amiable and engaging   Thanks go to Geoffrey Betts
                                                                                                          CARBON CAPTURE
       host Steve Robinson from   and the rest of the BOSS board                                         CO2
       Safescan, and to all the   for their input and keeping me                                           C E RTIFIE D
       different speakers who have   on the straight and narrow!
       made each week so interesting.   And to my colleagues Helen    For more information please email
       It’s a free service to members,   and Liz, who are at the centre
       so please take part if you can   of everything BOSS does. or visit our website
       spare half an hour: you may   And, finally, to all our
       get that invaluable bit of   members: thank you for your
       information that will make all   support in 2017. I hope that
       the difference to your business!  you have a great break over
         A big thanks also to all our   the festive season and that
       special interest groups: the WIA   2018 will be your best year   Follow us
       (now known as the Write4Life   yet!
       group) and to Graham Craik for                          
       chairing it; the RSMG, under   Phil Lawson
       Ian Bradbeer and now Colin   CEO, BOSS

                                                                                      December 2016/January 2017 | BOSS TODAY  5BOSS TODAY  5
                                                                                      December 2017/January 2018 |
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