Page 6 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 6

         CLIMB OF LIFE


            he ‘Climb of Life’ – the annual   two days and party: I was so   comprising Phil Lawson, Sammy   OPI team, led by Steve and Kelly
         Tindustry fundraising event   knackered afterwards that I slept   &  Rob Bartley, Scott Woodward   Hilleard and Janet Bell.
         for cancer charities – hit new   for over 12 hours”, organiser   and Steve Oldham.  To celebrate this milestone,
         heights this year, beating the   Graeme Chapman MBE reported   This is now the 30th year of the   Prof Paul Workman, the President
         2016 total to reach £103,280. This   that “this year there were 128   ‘Climb of Life’, including 25 years   and CEO of ICR, joined in the trek
         is the fourth consecutive year   ‘trekkers’ taking part - the largest   at the Swan Hotel, Grasmere, and   and gave a fascinating speech
         in which more than £100,000   number of participants yet – and   the 11th year of fundraising for   about the discoveries that ICR
         has been collected and pushes   there were five new companies   the Institute Of Cancer Research   have made to date and the
         the overall total raised to a   involved, including 3M, Acco,   (ICR). Over all that time, the main   projects that they are currently
         staggering £1.5 million.   SPOT and the TC Group, making it   sponsor has been VOW/EVO, who   working on. Paul also presented
           Succinctly summarising   a real Who’s Who of our industry”.   this year were also the second   Graeme with a commemorative
         the whole event as “a brilliant   There was also a BOSS team   largest fund raiser behind the   certificate and inscribed pen.

       6  BOSS TODAY | December 2017/January 2018
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