Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 4

Carbon Capture advert 1/2pp 12-17.qxp  06/12/2017  15:27  Page 1

          Carbon Capture                              ®

          A low cost environmental programme
              for you and your customers that
             creates woodland here in the UK.

                                                               from the top


                                                             NEW HEIGHTS

                                                             BOSS CEO Phil Lawson reflects on
                                                             the year that’s been.

                                                                  ow – where did 2017 go   offering at BOSS/BPIF, with over
                                                             Wto?                        600 apprentices currently on
                                                               It’s been a year of up and   our programmes. I’m fascinated
           From its launch to the beginning of 2017 the      down for me – geographically,   to see the investment that
            Carbon Capture programme has donated             that is. I started the year with   is going into developing the
             over £500,000 to the Woodland Trust.            a visit to the Dead Sea, where   next generation of the print
           Premier is a major supporter and corporate partner of the  I was 430 metres below sea   industry and I’m keen that we
           Woodland Trust,     the UK's leading conservation charity the  level – one of the lowest points   follow their example and invest
           Woodland Trust in its work to plant and conserve native  on earth. I then spent time in   in good quality skills for the
           woodland in numerous locations across the UK. Premier offers
           customers the opportunity to buy Carbon Captured products,  October visiting Everest base   people in our own industry. If
           where the CO 2 emissions from the manufacture and distribution  camp, where my high point   you are considering taking on
           of the product has been calculated and an equivalent amount of  viewing the peak from Kala   an apprentice or have people
           CO 2 has been captured by planting native British woodland.   Pattar was at 5,550 metres   in your business that you
           l A demonstration of your company’s responsible   above sea level (more about   feel will benefit from further
             approach to the environment
           l Use of the Woodland Carbon logo                 that on page 7). Never have I   development (and who hasn’t?),
           l Tree planting events that provide excellent PR and   had a year of such extremes!  please get in touch so that we
             marketing opportunities for you and your customers  Fortunately, the job at BOSS   can discuss a training and/or an
           l Carbon mitigation statements that can be used in   was more on a level playing   apprentice programme that is
             annual reports                                  field. I’m pleased that we have   right for you.
                                                             started the ‘Leaders of the   Are you GDPR ready? If not,
                   Supporting the
                                                             Future’ group who are off to an   we have a choice of simple
                                                             enthusiastic start representing   accreditation solutions that
                                                             the next generation of leaders   we can offer you – Cyber
                                                             of our industry. I still meet   Essentials, IASME Governance
                                                             people today who hark back   and GDPR-Managed and IASME
              For further information about the Carbon Capture  to Young BOSS and how they   Gold Standard Fully Managed
            Scheme, please contact your local Premier branch or  forged relationships at events   – which are designed to let
                                                             facilitated by us which have   you get on with running your
                                                             been useful to them throughout   business, while we take the
                                                             their careers. Hopefully, our   stress out of GDPR compliance.

                                                             next set of young leaders will   The Awards dinner has now
                                                             do the same.                been and gone – and our ‘Gem
            Follow us                                        a lot about training and    of a Relationship’ conference
                                                               You’ll hear me going on
                                                                                         leading up to it.  We sold out
                                    apprenticeships in 2018.  That is   of tickets this year and I hope
                                                             because we have such a strong   that all of you that entered the

       4  BOSS TODAY | December 2017/January 2018
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