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                                                                                    Issue 38 | December 2017/January 2018

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         18                         22                          26                         34



      4 From The Top                      18 Special Report – Automatic For
      BOSS CEO Phil Lawson reflects on the   The Dealer?
      year that’s been.                   BOSS Today looks at the world of
                                          technology products and how OP
      6 Briefing                          dealers can compete in a very
      Reporting on the 2017 Climb of      competitive market.                    28 Clearing The Air
      Life, Phil Lawson’s Everest trip, plus                                     The need for companies to provide
      the latest news from The Society Of   22 2017 In Review: 2018 In           Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
      Old Friends and the BOSS Business   Anticipation                           systems.
      Supplies Charity.                   Ten BOSS Board members reveal their
                                          thoughts on the year that’s been and   30 On The Move
      10 BOSS Awards                      the year to come.                      What employers need to do to
      All the details on the industry’s                                          prevent workplace accidents
      annual night of celebration,        26 60 Second Interview                 involving vehicles.
      including the new Unsung Hero       Specialist OP market researcher
      Awards.                             Martin Wilde talks to Adam Noble,      32 Ouch!
                                          Managing Director of the Irongate      Simple steps that businesses
      16 Ice Gems                         Group.                                 can follow when dealing with a
      OP industry market researcher                                              spillage of hazardous waste.
      Martin Wilde reviews the BOSS ‘Gem   34 What’s On
      Of A Relationship’ Conference.      Diary of upcoming events.

       BOSS Board of Directors: Philip Beer, Geoffrey Betts, Luke Chapman, Simon Drakeford, Steve Haworth, Charles Jarrold, Rob Jenkins, Mark Knibbs, David Langdown, Sean Starkey, Jeff Whiteway, Adam Noble
       Membership Director: Dale Wallis Regional Directors: Marcus Clifford – East & South East, Dawn Reid – Midlands & South West, Darren Shepherd – North
       BOSS Federation Chief Executive Officer: Philip Lawson
       Concept and Design by: e: t: 01526 353555 w:
       Features researcher: Martin Wilde e: t: 07952 635518 w:
       Editor: Helen Dunn e: t: 020 7915 8377
       Photography: Shutterstock & Spencer Cartwright
       Advertising and Sponsorship: Mark Wilkins t: 01753 714999
       BOSS Federation: 2 Villiers Court, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Coventry, West Midlands CV5 9RN t: 0845 450 1565
       Print sponsored by: Office Depot International (UK) Ltd 501 Beaumont Leys Lane, Leicester LE4 2BN
       Paper sponsored by:                              Cover: Claro Silk 250gsm Inner pages: Claro Silk 150gsm
       Printed by: Geoff Neal Litho Limited 7 Pier Road, Feltham, Middlesex TW14 0TW
       BOSS Today 2017 Issue 38 All rights reserved. BOSS Today is circulated to members of the BOSS Federation. Reproduction in         BOSS Federation
       any form, or by any means, whole or in part without written permission from the BOSS Federation is strictly prohibited.
                                                                                      December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  3
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