Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 7


       IT’S THERE

       BOSS CEO Phil Lawson explains why he had to go
       to Everest Base Camp.
         was due to join a group of   not have been to her liking. So,   courage - came out the other   and Cho La pass. Those
       I  friends in October 2016,   I was to represent us both.   side.                interested can read my
       walking to Everest Base Camp   It had all been Claudia   Now, the trip had become   full account at ivymillphil.
       – not a lifelong ambition, but   Wallin’s idea. She and a group   an imperative. So we booked
       more of an opportunity that   of friends from her village   it and made up a group of 16,   It was a trip of a lifetime
       arose suddenly.            in Cape Town had already   including my brother Patrick   and I’m so pleased to have
         I had tried to persuade my   climbed Kilimanjaro and   and my friend Hamish plus four   done it. Thanks to all at Base
       wife Heather to come too,   this was their next planned   guides, four porters and a man   Camp BOSS who covered for
       suggesting that it would be   adventure. I was excited about   to look after the yaks. He was   my absence. And I’m so in awe
       a bit like “glamping”.  She   being asked to join them   described as our “yakman” but   of Claudia who battled the
       saw through this quickly and   and we were all set to go,   that always made me picture   weariness, lack of oxygen and
       sensibly decided she would   but then we got the dreadful   a hairy quadruped mutation   having a heavy cold and cough
       be happy to leave me to it: the   news that Claudia had been   rather than the lithe, weather-  to achieve her personal goal.
       freezing cold temperatures,   diagnosed with breast cancer.   beaten, constantly smiling   I got back in time to join
       vertiginous slopes, squat   The trip became impossible for   Sherpa that Newari was.  the BOSS team taking part in
       toilets, lack of showers and hot   that year, as Claudia bravely   We had 15 days of walking   Climb of Life 2017 (see left).
       water, the scarcity and price   went through chemotherapy   and got from Lukla airport   Raising funds for the Institute
       of wine and the consistently   and radiography and - with   to two thirds of the way up   of Cancer Research could not
       bland food - all these would   enormous determination and   Everest via the Gokjo Lakes   have been more appropriate.

                                                                                      December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  7
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