Page 24 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 24


       Oh, and they also supply pens,   information transferring/sharing   “We have grown membership   we are now once again running
       toner and paperclips!”     that can only be a benefit to all.”  across all categories: we have   active and lively Reseller Forums;
       - David Langdown           - Luke Chapman              continued to attract more   we reactivated the Writing
                                                              independent dealers and create   Instruments Association group
       However, as one pointed out,   A number of respondents   a more representative mix of   and relaunched its purpose,
       further range extensions would   pointed out that future success   members.”      based around promoting the
       require state-of-the-art logistics   – including the shift to selling   - Mark Knibbs  benefits of handwriting to
       support:                   services - needed to be founded                        education.”
                                  on resellers getting ever closer   Furthermore, the events and   - Phil Lawson
       “New channels, new products,   to customers:           conferences hosted by the
       new players.  It’s important for                       Federation were also seen   Other new projects were also
       resellers to find logistics solutions   “A shift from impersonal to   to have been a success in   mentioned, such as the new
       which enable them to market   personal.  Whilst the analogue to   broadening both the activities   training and apprenticeship
       and handle wider assortments,   digital shift is helping efficiencies   and reach of BOSS:  programme, the ‘Topical
       as Amazon have done, for   in order processing and the                            Tips’ webinars, as well as the
       example.”                  practicalities of distribution, we   “The Leaders of the Future   ongoing data projects:
       - Sean Starkey             have a market that is still built   conference has now evolved into
                                  heavily from the ground up on   a growing body who now meet   “The introduction of webinars
       Increasing logistics efficiency   people and their relationships   and have their own agenda.   to support and add value for
       was indeed seen as one way   with each other: this becomes   These events are well supported,   dealers and manufacturers alike.”
       to combat the growing threat   even more the case as purchase   and - at the time of writing - the   - Sean Starkey
       from Amazon:               behaviour shifts from buying a   Awards dinner is nearly a sell
                                  product to buying a service, as it   out. So, I think that the industry   “The work that’s been done on
       “It has to be all about efficiency   is now doing at a fast pace.”  at large feels BOSS has an   data will really help to make a
       in the channel to drive robust   - Steve Haworth       important role to play and is   difference for both vendors and
       defence strategies against                             happy to support it.”      resellers as we move forward. The
       Amazon business growth.”   “Staying close to consumers   - Geoff Betts            new training and apprenticehip
       - Simon Drakeford          and channel partners alike                             programme will, for me, be the
                                  and being fast to adapt to take   Another successful initiative   crowning glory and will help
       Another believed that      opportunities when they arise.”  was seen to be the creation –   create real long term value.”
       addressing Amazon would    - Philip Beer               and, in some cases, resurrection   - Luke Chapman
       drive collaboration in a number                        – of a number of BOSS groups,
       of aspects:                3. What has BOSS            which have provided deeper   As a result, the general
                                  achieved in 2017?           engagement for members and   conclusion was that, during
       “I think we will see a drive to   Most of the Board members   greater impetus in moving the   2017, BOSS had raised its
       compete with Amazon business   felt that a key achievement for   whole industry forward:  profile, successfully engaged
       and this will open new doors for   BOSS in 2017 was the growth                    more people – particularly
       collaboration in the industry. This   in membership, particularly   “We have launched a Leaders   younger members – and
       will also help with the market   amongst dealers:      of the Future group for the   enhanced its brand credibility:
       developing better data and                             younger ambitious members;

       24  BOSS TODAY | December 2017/January 2018
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