Page 28 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 28



       THE AIR

          ocal Exhaust Ventilation   What Does The Law Say?   When a LEV system does not   substance. The training must
       L(LEV) is an engineering   You must control the risks to   work, it is likely that the hood   also cover how the LEV system
       control system that reduces   employees from substances   is not capturing or containing   works, and the consequences
       exposure to airborne       in the workplace. Control of   the contaminants effectively.  if something goes wrong.
       contaminants such as       Substances Hazardous to       LEV systems require
       dust and fumes, removing   Health (COSHH) Regulations   a statutory ‘thorough     A daily checklist should
       them from the air and      2005 says LEV may help to   inspection and testing’ by a   highlight the following:
       preventing their entry     do this. However, the correct   competent person at least   n The indicator shows that
       into the workplace.        system must be installed and   once every 14 months.     the LEV is working
         Thousands of people      be fit for purpose, and this will                      n Signs that the LEV is not
       die in the UK every year of   require good understanding   What Training Is Required?  working correctly, such as
       work-related lung diseases,   of the ‘process and sources’.  Training must cover the harmful   smells or settled dust
       or get asthma from airborne   ‘Process’ means the way the   nature of the substances in   n Harmful dust, and fumes
       contaminants. Under the    airborne contaminants are   use, and how exposure may    are not being extracted
       duty of care, the employer   generated, and the ‘source’   occur. Information is available   n Check the system is
       must provide a LEV system   is where contaminates are   from the Material Safety Data   being tested, with a label
       to protect employees.      generated by the process.   Sheet supplied with each     showing it is in date
                                                                                         n Report anything that
                                                                                           may be wrong

                                                                                         What Else Can I Do?
                                                                                         Listen to employees and check
                                                                                         on their well-being. Health
                                                                                         surveillance identifies the
                                                                                         potential for health and issues
                                                                                         arising from contaminants in
                                                                                         the workplace. A Lung Function
                                                                                         Test for employees at risk would
                                                                                         identify risk from asthma or
                                                                                         substance-related illness. Air
                                                                                         Monitoring within high risk
                                                                                         areas would identify issues and
                                                                                         put employees’ minds at rest.
         Hood - where the contaminate cloud enters the LEV, and which should be fitted very close to the source  n BOTH OF THESE
         Ducting - carries airborne particles away from the process
         Air cleaners - clean and filter the extracted contaminated air                  SERVICES ARE PROVIDED
         Air Mover - the engine that powers the extraction system. This is usually a fan, but this must be of the   THROUGH BOSS SPECIALIST
         right size and type to deliver sufficient draw to the hood                      SERVICES. FOR MORE
         Discharge - releases the extracted air to a safe place                          DETAILS VISIT WWW.

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