Page 32 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 32



       Performance management can be prickly!

            anage performance     cases lead to unsatisfactory   It is vital that poor   will also increase, while
       Meffectively, and          job performance, which is   performance is managed in a   absence levels will decrease.
       you will see your business   likely to cause problems both   fair, equitable and consistent   Customer service levels will
       performance grow.          for the line manager and the   manner to reduce the risk   also improve, as will clients’
       Unfortunately, performance   employee’s colleagues. In   of grievances and claims of   perceptions of your company.
       management is never        the event that problems are   unfair practice. Expectations   If positive performance
       easy: it is one of the more   being experienced with an   in the workplace must be   management sounds like a
       sensitive and awkward areas   employee’s performance, it   managed and feedback   positive for your company,
       of HR Management that      is very important for the line   delivered constructively.  let BOSS steer you on the
       is commonly swept under    manager to try to identify the                         path to success. With the
       the carpet or conveniently   root cause of the problem   Grasping The Nettle      right guidance and support,
       ignored. There is a fear that   and deal with it accordingly.  If you missed our autumn   you can tackle the issues that
       it can be too hot to handle,   BOSS/BPIF HR Advisers   workshops, BOSS/BPIF       have been festering for ages.
       even toxic, or just too tricky or   have recently run workshops   HR advisers can deliver   If you are interested in
       political, but failure to address   to guide delegates through   line manager training on   on-site support, whether it is
       performance management     the pitfalls of performance   performance management   workshops tailored to your
       correctly will ultimately lead   management: How do you get   (and many other HR issues).   company’s requirements
       to business inefficiencies   performance management    It is worth grasping the   or coaching for line
       and increased cost.        to the top of the in-tray and   nettle, however prickly that   managers (which can be
                                  manage underperformance     nettle might be. There are a   done in smaller groups or
       Unsatisfactory Performance  promptly? How do you have   host of benefits to be had,   one-to-one), contact your
       Disciplinary issues tend to   those ‘difficult conversations’?   including an increase in   regional HR Adviser today.
       occur due to misconduct.   For how long should you     work standards. After all,
       Unsatisfactory performance   handle matters informally and   performance management is   n FOR MORE INFORMATION
       should be treated differently   how do you go about this?   about improving performance   ON OUR MANAGING
       and employers should adhere   When would a formal process   rather than wielding a   PERFORMANCE
       to a capability procedure.   be needed and what would   big stick. Staff morale   WORKSHOPS, CALL
       Lack of capability will in most   the procedure look like?   and employee retention   0845 450 1565.

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